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ACA Hours Tracking

How can PowerSchool ERP help you track Affordable Care Act requirements? 

  1. Track hours worked through payroll:

    • Set up hourly pay rates whenever possible

    • Enter pay hours on pay rate records

    • Use default hours in pay run set up when hours are consistent

  2. Track employees who declined health insurance coverage via a deduction record. Clients may create as many "declined" deduction codes as needed in the Deduction reference table. The "declined" code can be associated with employee records via the Open Enrollment process in Employee Access Center or through manual data entry.

Affordable Care Act Reporting Options Features

  1. Create a new table to track Affordable Care Act hours by employee.

  2. Provide three options for populating the table with records:

    • Load hours from application Check History

    • Import hours from spreadsheet or third-party file

    • Manual data entry

  3. Create Summary and Detail reports to identify employee exceptions.

  4. Create a table to convert units into hours if time was recorded in units, such as days, instead of hours.

  5. Create a table to identify an employer's various benefit plans and if a plan was qualified, non-qualified or declined according to the Affordable Care Act rules.

  6. Create a table to track the source of Affordable Care Act Hours records and their history.

  7. Create an Audit Log report that will report changes made to Affordable Care Act Hours records.

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