PowerSchool ERP Online Documentation Menu
Welcome to PowerSchool ERP product help. This online help also applies to eFinancePlus v22.4 and earlier.
This help includes information on the following areas:
20.11 and Later Help
20.11 and later features including: Employee Expense Reimbursement Forms |
Employee Help
Employee features for personal information, W4s, Leave Requests, and Timesheets including: |
Purchasing Help
Purchasing features including: |
Payroll and Human Resources Help
Employee and Payroll features including: |
Fund Accounting Help
Fund Accounting features including: Billing and Receipts- Cash Receipts |
System Administration Help
System Administration features including: Release Notes and New Features Employee Access Center Administrator Options Employee Timesheet Administrator Options Vendor Access Center Administrator Options |
Budget Preparation Help
Budget features including: |
eForms & Tools
eForms & Tools features including: |
PowerSchool ERP Overview
Topics and features including: Generate Reports, Lists, and Upload Files |
Additional Help and Support
Visit PowerSchool Community to access the product knowledge base, open a support case, or connect with peers and PowerSchool experts.