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Professional Development Profile

Use the Professional Development Profile to establish and maintain the following aspects of the Professional Development System:

  • Defaults used when adding courses.

  • General system settings and web information such as the URL for the login page and web server.

  • Information that will display on participants' transcripts.

  • Course credit settings.

  • Auto-numbering settings for course registration and drop course identification numbers.

Menu Path:  System Administration > Administration > Profiles > Professional Development Profile


Default Section

The fields in this section determine Professional Development settings, as well as defaults that display when an instructor is adding a new course. The defaults can be changed by the instructor if needed.



Allowed to Retake

Checkbox that determines whether the Allow to Retake checkbox in the Courses detail page is selected bydefault.

Participant to Select Credit Type

Checkbox that determines whether the Participant to Select Credit Type checkbox in the Courses detail page is selected by default.

Require Evaluation

Checkbox that determines whether the Require Evaluation checkbox in the Courses detail page is selected by default.

Require Grading

Checkbox that determines if the course requires a letter grade.

Perform Location/Room Checking

Checkbox that determines whether the system should verify room/location schedules when an instructor is submitting a new course or editing an existing course and should notify the instructor of conflicts.

Allow Multiple Instructors to Administer Courses

Checkbox that determines whether multiple instructors are able to administer and maintain a single course.

Room Code for To Be Announced

Code that will display in the Room field's dropdown list when the room is not yet determined, for example, TBA.

Room Description for To Be Announced

Description of the Room Code for To Be Announced when the room for the location is not yet determined. For example, the description for the code TBA would read To Be Announced.

Professional Development Login Page URL

URL provided to external participants/instructors for the Professional Development login page.

Professional Development Web Server

Server for Professional Development web interface.

Show SSN on Registration and Personal Info Pages

Checkbox that determines whether an external participant/instructor's Social Security number will display on the Participant/Instructor information section of the registration process and the Personal Information page. If the box is selected, the Social Security number will display on the pages. If the box is blank, the Social Security number will not display.

Credit Section

The fields in this section determine when credit is awarded to participants.



Non-Passing Grade Implies No Credit

Checkbox determining whether a non-passing grade means the participant does not receive credit for the course. If the box is selected and the instructor gives a non-passing grade to a participant, the participant will not receive credit for the course.

Absences Implies No Credit

Checkbox that determines whether the participant will receive credit if they are absent from the course. If the box is selected and the instructor marks the participant as absent from the course, the participant will not receive credit.

Prior Courses Section

The following field determines whether the grades of prior courses display for participants:



Show Grade on Prior Courses

Checkbox that determines whether the grades earned in a prior course will display on the Prior Course page for the participant.

Transcript Section



School District Name for Transcript

Customized text for how your organization's name will display on the transcript.

Custom Sub Text Transcript

Customized text which will display below your organization's name on the transcript.

Show Grade on Transcript

Checkbox that determines whether the grade earned in the course will display on the transcript.

Show Credits on Transcript

Checkbox that determines whether the credits earned in the course will display on the transcript.

Auto-Numbering Section

The section's fields determine how Course ID, Registration Confirmation, and Drop ID numbers are generated. The maximum length is eight, including prefix and ID Number.



Course ID Prefix

Prefix that will display at the beginning of the Course ID when a new course is submitted.

Course ID Zero Fill Length

Integer determining the length of the Course ID, using leading zeroes. For example, if your course IDs should be zero filled up to six spaces, enter 6 in this field.

Next Course ID Number

Next available Course ID to be used when an instructor submits a new course.

Registration Confirmation ID Prefix

Prefix that will display before the Confirmation number a participant receives when they successfully register for a course.

Registration Confirmation ID Zero Fill Length

Integer determining the length of the Registration Confirmation number, using leading zeroes. For example, if your registration confirmations should be zero filled up to six spaces, enter 6 in this field.

Next Registration Confirmation ID Number

Next available Confirmation number to be used when a participant successfully registers for a course.

Drop ID Prefix

Prefix that will display before the Drop ID number that a participant receives when they successfully drop a course.

Drop ID Zero Fill Length

Integer determining the length Drop ID number, using leading zeroes. For example, if your drop IDs should be zero filled up to six spaces, enter 6 in this field.

Next Drop ID Number

Next available Drop ID to be used when a participant successfully drops a course.

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