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Professional Development - System Features

This section provides a partial listing of the features incorporated in the Professional Development System.

General Features

  • Interfaces with other application systems, including Human Resources, Employee Access Center, Workflow, and Fund Accounting.

  • Utilizes System Administration Security to control access to system features and database records and also to define employees as users.

Setup Features

  • Includes profile options for configuring Professional Development to your organization's needs.

  • Includes workflow options that allow your organization to define approvers for new users and courses and determine when approvers, instructors, and participants will receive notifications.

Administrator Features

  • Allows administrators to edit course detail information, class dates/times, attendance, and registration for any Professional Development course.

  • Allows administrators to specify employees as instructors, participants, or both.

  • Allows administrators to edit user information for participants and instructors.

  • Allows administrators to move Professional Development courses into Continuing Education course records which are attached to a particular employee. This enables your organization to track employee training and education.

  • Provides report options for tracking various aspects of Professional Development, including courses, instructors, and participants.

User Features

  • Enables instructors to submit courses to your organization for approval.

  • Allows instructors to input the information from each step of offering courses, including attendance, grading, credits, notifications, and course completion.

  • Enables employees to search and register for courses.

  • Enables external users to register for Professional Development and allows your organization to specify their roles as instructors, participants, or both.

  • Enables participants to view courses they are currently registered in or on the wait list for.

  • Enables participants to view prior courses and run transcripts for any courses they have completed.

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