Purge Position History Page
Use this option to delete records from the Position History table. To be purged, a record must have an end date. This prevents you from deleting histories of positions that are still in use.
After you generate a list of records in the Purge Position History page, you can use Purge on the page's Action Bar to purge the records selected. For the complete steps to follow, refer to the Procedure section.
When records are purged, they are permanently deleted. Consider backing up your database before using this option.
Menu Path: System Administration > Administration > Human Resources Purge Options > Purge Position History
Purge Position History Report
The Purge Position History page enables you to enter selection criteria to specify the records to purge. Before performing the purge, the system produces a report which allows you to review the records before deleting them.
The Purged Position History report is organized first by job class and position codes, and then in chronological order by end dates. Before executing the purge, review the report carefully to make sure that the records listed are the ones you want to purge.
Purging records from the Position History table
Select System Administration > Administration > Human Resources Purge Options > Purge Position History to display the Purge Position History page.
In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.
In the List section, review the records to make sure they are correct.
Click Purge on the page's Action Bar.
In the Print window, specify how to generate the report, and then click OK. The report's default file name is prgposhs.rpt.
Review the Purge Position History report to verify that these are the records you want to purge.
In the Confirmation dialog, click OK to delete the records or Cancel to cancel the purge.
The following fields in the Search Criteria section enable you to identify the records to purge.
Fields | Description |
Employee Number | Number identifying an employee, as assigned in Human Resources. To enter multiple ID's, use the pipe symbol to separate each, for example, 112233|223344|334455. You can also use the colon to identify a range of ID numbers, for example, 110001:110050. |
Job Class | Code identifying a job class, as defined in Human Resources' Job Class table. |
Position | Code identifying an employee's position, as defined in Position Control's Position table. To enter multiple codes, use the pipe symbol to separate each code, for example, 1400|2100|2700 or LEVEL1|LEVEL2. You can also use the asterisk to reference codes that begin with the same characters; for example LEV* matches LEVEL1, LEVEL2, and LEVEL3. |
Location | Code identifying an employee's building or work site, as defined in Human Resources' Location table. |
Department | Code identifying an employee's department, as defined in Human Resources' Department table. |
Start Date | Date when the employee occupied the position. You can use the greater than (>) and less than (<) symbols in this field. For example, <10012016 matches all records with start dates that fall before October 1, 2016. |
End Date | Date when the employee vacated the position. You can use the greater than (>) and less than (<) symbols in this field. For example, <01012017 matches all records with end dates that fall before January 1, 2017. |