Race Code Table
Use this page to add, update, and delete Race Codes. The Race Code table contains records that reference the race of an employee. These records are used in generating the EEO-5 Data Report.
Codes from the Race Code table are used on the following pages:
Employee Information page in Human Resources. For more information, refer to the Race/Ethnicity Tab.
Applicant Information page in Applicant Tracking. For more information, refer to Accessing Applicant Information.
The default file name of the Race Code Table report is racecd.rpt.
Menu path
From the Human Resources menu, select Reference Tables. From the Personnel menu, select Race Codes.
Field descriptions
Field | Description |
Race Code | A code identifying the race record. The Federal Government, state agencies, or your organization can define this field. The limit is six characters. |
Description | The full name or description of the race code. The limit is 40 characters. |
Federal Code | The code defined by the federal government for the individual race. You cannot enter 1 (Hispanic or Latino) or 7 (Two or more races). These codes are calculated for the EEO-5 report and state reports based on the information entered on the Race/Ethnicity tab of the Employee Information page. |
State Code | The code defined by your state. The limit is six characters. |
SIS Code | Used in integration with PowerSchool SIS. |