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Recruitment - Position Control

Position Control uses the position classification to break down job classes into subcategories, allowing your organization to set occupancy limits, apply specific budget allocations, and further define accounting distribution for salaries. This table only applies if your organization uses Position Control.

In Recruitment, Position Control allows you to track and control available positions and their full-time equivalency values (FTE's).

The default file name of the Position Table report is updpos83.rpt. For the procedures for searching for, adding, updating, and printing position records, refer to the Procedures section below.

Menu Path:  Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Position Control > Position Control

Position Control Pages

The Position Control System uses the following pages:

Position Control

Enables you to search for and list Position Control records. Using this page, you can delete and print records. You can also access the Position Control - Detail page for adding and updating Position Control records.

Edit Position

Enables you to update Position Control records. While adding a record, you can use buttons to access pages for linking positions to qualifications, certifications, requirements, and degrees.

New Position

Enables you to add Position Control records. After adding a record, you automatically access pages for linking positions to qualifications, certifications, requirements, and degrees.

Setting Up Position Control in the Human Resources Profile

The settings that determine how Position Control is used are defined in your Human Resources Profile. The Profile provides three options.

Y - Use Position Control (full control)

Prevents a position from being overfilled when you assign pay rates to employees in Human Resources or create a job posting in Recruitment. This option also tracks the salary expenditures budgeted for positions.

T - Tracking Mode

Allows positions to be overfilled in both Human Resources and Recruitment. The system issues a warning when you exceed a position's occupancy limit, but it allows you to overfill the position. This option does not support budget tracking.

N - Do Not Use Position Control

Indicates that Position Control is not installed or you are not using it. You cannot use positions with this option.

To use Position Control, the Profile must be set to either Y - Use Position Control or T- Tracking Mode. For additional information on how Position Control is used in Recruitment, refer to Posting Requisition Setup.

Adding position records

  1. Select Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Position Control > Position Control.
  2. In the Position Control page, click Add New.
  3. In the New Position page, complete the fields in the Position, FTE, and Salary sections as needed. The Salary section only applies if you use full position control.
  4. Click OK.
  5. In the Financial section, enter the Fund Accounting distributions for the position's salary expenditures. Use <TAB> to advance through the fields.
  6. Click OK to save the record when you complete your distribution entries.
  7. Once the Financial section is complete, the following pages display in the order shown for entering information related to Highly Qualified Teacher requirements:


    Link Qualified Area to Position


    Degree Linking Selection


    Certification Code Setup


    General Degree Linking


    Link Requirement to Position


    Degree Linking

    • If your district tracks Highly Qualified Teachers by position, complete these pages as needed. The position you entered will be saved when you click Finish in the Degree Linking page.
    • If your district does not track Highly Qualified Teachers by position, you can click Back three times to skip through these pages.

Updating position records

  1. Select Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Position Control > Position Control to display the Position Control page.
  2. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.
  3. Select the position record to update, and then click OK.
  4. In the Edit Position page, update the fields as needed.
  5. To link the position to qualifications, certifications, requirements, or degrees, use the corresponding buttons in the Position section.
  6. Click OK to save the record after completing the Financial section.

Deleting position records

  1. Select Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Position Control > Position Control to display the Position Control page.
  2. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.
  3. Click OK.
  4. In the page's untitled List section, select the position you want to delete.
  5. Click Delete.
  6. In the Confirmation dialog, click Yes.

You cannot delete a position that is assigned to one or more employee pay rates.

Generating the Position Table report

  1. Select Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Position Control > Position Control to display the Position Control page.
  2. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Click Print.
  5. In the Position Control Report page, select the following checkboxes as needed:

    Include Accounts on Report 

    Includes the budget unit and project distributions associated with the positions listed.

    Include Comments on Report

    Includes text from the Comments lines in the positions listed.

  6. If needed, click Sort on the Action Bar to display a page for defining the report's sort order. After entering your settings, click OK to return to the Position Control Report page.
  7. Click OK.
  8. In the Print window, specify how to generate the report, and then click OK. The report's default file name is updpos83.rpt.


Following are descriptions of the fields in the Edit Position and New Position pages. Many of these fields also display in the Position Control page.

Position Section



Job Class

Code identifying the class associated with the position you want to create, as defined in Human Resources’ Job Class table. The job class you enter must be under position control. In addition, a new class cannot be assigned to any employee pay rates in Human Resources.


Code identifying the position. Character/12


Description of the position. Character/35


Code identifying the primary building or site associated with the position, as defined in Human Resources’ Location table.

Bargaining Unit

Bargaining unit for this job class and position, if applicable. These codes are defined in the Bargaining Unit table. Leave the field blank if a bargaining unit does not apply to the class and position.


Two lines for entering notes or other text information concerning the position. After you complete the first line, press <Tab> to advance to the second. Character/60, each line

Position Type

Position type associated with the job class as defined in the Position Types table. A job class/position can only be associated with one position type, but a position type can be associated with many job classes/positions.

Job Description

Description of the job. This description will display on the Recruitment Portal's Posting Details page.

FTE Section



Authorized FTE

Maximum number of employees who can fill this position as measured in full-time equivalency (FTE) units. An FTE unit is the percentage of time someone works relative to full-time (1.0 = 100%). For example, the FTE value for an employee who works three days of a five-day week would be 0.6.

Pending Transfer FTE

FTE units that have been requested for transfer for a position in Recruitment. This field will only be updated if your organization has allowed budget transfers on the Posting Requisition Setup page.

Posting FTE

Any FTE units associated with a non-filled job posting in Recruitment.

Occupied FTE

Number of employees who currently occupy this position in FTE units. If the Position Control field in your Human Resources Profile is set to Y-Use Position Control, the occupancy of a position cannot exceed its authorized FTE value.

The system updates this field as follows:

  • When you assign the position to a pay rate.
  • When you change the FTE field in a rate associated with the position.
  • When you terminate a rate that contains the position.
  • When an external applicant is hired for a job posting.
  • When an internal applicant is hired for a job posting, their pay rate is added or updated for the job class, and the position on that pay rate is filled.

Available FTE

Number of FTE units that are unoccupied, which is calculated as follows: Authorized FTE - Occupied FTE = Available FTE.

Default FTE

Default value that displays in a pay rate's FTE field when you assign a position to an employee's rate.

  • Generally, the default value should be set to 1.0 on the assumption that most positions are full-time.
  • If you are setting up a record for a position that is usually part time, enter the FTE that applies in the majority of cases. You can adjust the value when creating pay rates for employees whose work hours vary from the norm.

Salary Section

If your Human Resources Profile's Position Control field is set to Y - Use Position Control, you can use this section to track salaries. If the setting is T - Tracking Mode, click OK to skip these fields and advance to the Financial section. These fields clear when you run the Fiscal Year End Maintenance option.




Amount budgeted for this position in the current fiscal year, which should represent all salaries anticipated under this position. The system updates this value when you run the Personnel Budgeting's Post to Position Control option.

Leave the field at its 0.00 default if you do not track salaries or if you intend to run Personnel Budgeting after setting up your position records.


Cumulative amount paid to employees who have the position assigned. The system updates this field during payroll processing, provided the Position Control flag in your Human Resources Profile is set to Y - Use Position Control. In most cases, you should leave the field at its 0.00 default.


Cumulative amount paid for this position in the current fiscal year. When you run the Payroll Encumbrance option, salaries for employees in this position are added to the Projected field. For now, you may leave the field at its 0.00 default. Later, after all salaries are accumulated and you begin preparing your budget, you can increase or decrease this amount.

Financial Section

Use this section to define the distributions of salary expenditures in the Fund Accounting System for the position you are creating. Keep in mind that the distributions for positions can only be modified in Position Control; they cannot be changed in Human Resources.

When you add a position to a pay rate, the information from the Financial section defaults to the rate. Also, if you modify a position's distributions and then post it to Human Resources, the new distributions overwrite the existing ones in pay rates that have the position assigned.

If your Fund Accounting Profile allows translating the full expenditure account number into budget unit and account codes, the Full Account Window page displays when you reach the *Budget Unit* or *Project* field.




System-generated number identifying the distribution line.

*Budget Unit*

Low organization used for distributing the gross salaries paid under this position, as defined in Fund Accounting's Organization Chart. As indicated by the asterisks, the titles of the Budget Unit and Project fields are defined in the Human Resources Profile.


Number identifying the account that should be used to distribute salary costs for this position. Accounts are defined in Fund Accounting's Account List. The combination of the entries in the Budget Unit and Account fields must exist in Fund Accounting's Expenditure Ledger.


Percentage of the position's gross wages to be distributed to the *Budget Unit*/Account. Enter the percentage as a decimal. The entries in this column must equal 100 percent (1.00).


System-generated number identifying the project distribution line.


Code identifying the low project organization to use for distributing the position's gross salary in Fund Accounting. If you do not use project accounting, click OK to leave the fields in this section blank.


Number identifying the account associated with the project, as defined in Fund Accounting's Account List. The combination of the entries in the Project and Account fields must exist in Fund Accounting's Project Ledger.


Percentage of the position's gross wages to be distributed to the Project/Account. Enter the percentage as a decimal. The entries in this column must equal 100 percent (1.00).

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