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Redistribute Payroll

Use this option to re-allocate payroll distributions to budget unit-account combinations that differ from those that were originally charged.

The Redistribute Payroll option allows redistributing charges on either a percentage or amount basis. Users can select individual or groups of records for redistribution processing and apply specific redistribution organizations and accounts.

You can redistribute to multiple accounts if needed. After entering the redistributions, you can post them using Fund Accounting's Automated Payroll Interface option.

Changes made with the Redistribute Payroll option apply only to payrolls that have already been processed. To change distributions for future pay runs, you must change the budget unit/account codes in employees' pay rates.

Menu Path:  Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Periodic Processing > Redistribute Payroll


Before running the Redistribute Payroll option, you should generate the Detail Distribution report: Human Resources > Reports > Payroll > Detail Distribution Detail. The report's transaction dates represent either a pay group's pay period end date or the default pay period end date, both of which are entered in setting up a pay run.

Action Bar Items

The following items display on the Action Bar:


Displays the Preview page. This page allows users to preview redistributions before interfacing them so that users can be sure it will have the desired effect.
This page contains the Interface Action Bar item.


This will interface the redistribution displayed on the Preview page.

Redistributing payroll for a selected employee

  1. Select Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Periodic Processing > Redistribute Payroll.

  2. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, select the Sort Order, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.

  3. In the List section, select to Display Detail or Display Summary to result display, and then select the desired records by selecting the Select option on each.

  4. In the New Redistribution section, complete the following fields, all of which are required:

    Redistribution Charges

    Select one of the following to determine where the redistribution should be charged against:

    Salary and Benefits
    Benefits Only
    Salary Only

    Redistribution Type

    Select one of the following to determine whether to redistribute either a specified amount or percentage for the current year or the previous year:

    A - Amount
    P - Percent (default)
    LA - Last Year Amount
    LP - Last Year Percentage

  5. Complete the following fields:

    *Budget Unit*

    Enter the budget unit (low organization) receiving the new distribution. As indicated by the asterisks, the field's title is defined in the Fund Accounting Profile.


    Enter the number identifying the account to use in combination with the budget unit.

    Percent or Amount

    Enter the percent or amount of the redistribution. The field's title depends on your entry in the Redistribution Type field.

    Repeat this for each Budget Unit/Account combination you want to use in the redistribution.

    • With a Percent redistribution type, your entries must equal 100 percent.

    • With an Amount redistribution type, you can redistribute less than the full salary amount, in which case the remainder retains the original distribution.

  6. Click Preview on the Action Bar to display the Redistribution Preview page and review the redistribution.
    If desired, a preview report can be generated by clicking Print.

  7. If the redistribution is satisfactory, click Interface on the Action Bar.

  8. Click Yes in the Redistribute dialog.

  9. Click OK in the Redistribute Complete dialog.

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