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Salary and Deduction Data

Use this option to generate a summary report on employees' wage and deduction amounts. The report includes month-to-date, quarter-to-date, year-to-date, and fiscal-to-date totals.

The Salary and Deduction Data option allows you to verify deduction and wage totals on a periodic basis. You also can use the report to review cumulative salary and deduction data before running the Clear Monthly/Quarterly Balances option during payroll processing and before running most year-end maintenance options.

Menu Path:  Human Resources > Reports > Payroll > Salary and Deduction Data

Report Data

The Salary and Deduction Information report, which is grouped first by department and then by employee name, provides the following information:


Gross wages; federal, state, and local tax earnings and deductions; FICA and Medicare earnings and deductions; allowances; and non-cash earnings. This data is listed for the month (M), quarter (Q), year (Y), and fiscal year (F).


Status codes; beginning and ending dates; deduction amounts or percentages; to-date withholdings for the month, quarter, calendar year, and fiscal year; maximum deductions; and arrears amounts.


Amounts or percentages and to-date contributions


Cumulative amounts paid by the employer for the month, quarter, year, and fiscal year.

Each department section is followed by a separate page that shows the department totals for all employees. In addition, the last page of the report provides the totals for all departments.


The page's Social Security field is only available for users with the proper security resources. In addition, the display of employees' Social Security numbers in the report is determined by the user's security and the SSN Masking Method selected in the Human Resources Profile.

Generating the Salary and Deduction Information report

  1. Select Human Resources > Reports > Payroll > Salary and Deduction Data.

  2. In the Report Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to include, and then click OK. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.

  3. In the Print window, specify how to generate the report, and then click OK. The report's default file name is salded.rpt.

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