Salary Projections Report
The Salary Projections report generates automatically when you run the Scheduled Projections option. The report includes a minimum of 10 sections and can run to more than 50 sections depending on the number of salary schedules and negotiation schedules used, as well as the number of years projected.
Report Information
Following are the sections included in the Salary Projections report. Regarding the projection years, 0 refers to the current year, Year 1 to the new year, and Years 210 to future years.
Base Salary Schedule | (Years 0-10) Lists the hourly rates or annual salaries per step/range used in the projections. The same schedule is usually used for the current year and new year, though you can specify a different base schedule for the new year if needed. |
Employee FTE Statistics | (Years 0-10) Lists the full-time equivalency units (FTE's) per step/range. Note that not all of the units are necessarily filled and also that the FTE's for a given step/range could include both full-time and part-time employees. For example, 3.0 FTE's could represent three full-time positions, two full-time and two part-time positions, or all part-time positions. |
Employee Head Count Statistics | (Years 0-10) Lists the number of employees per step/range, whether they are full-time or part-time. Note |
Cost Forecast | (Years 0-10) Lists the total salaries per step/range, as determined by multiplying FTE's by the increased rates. Also included are totals for the projected year and the cost differences over the previous year. |
Negotiation Schedule | (Years 1-10) Lists the increase percentages or amounts per step/range. This section includes two rows for each step. The first row represents amount increases and the second, percentage increases. This section only appears for projection years. |
Projected Salary Schedule | (Years 1-10) Lists the schedule calculated by applying the negotiation schedule to the base schedule. This schedule is usually used as the base for the next projection year. |
The Employee FTE Statistics, Employee Head Count Statistics, and Cost Forecast pages also provide totals for each step and each range.
Generating the Report
Besides the elements outlined above in the Report Information section, make note of the following:
The report covers one projection year beyond the new year. The years affected are noted in the upper right corner of each page.
The salaries in the Base Salary Schedule sections were simplified to make it easier to understand the results in the other sections.
Auto-stepping was specified for the report, as indicated by the message AUTOSTEP EMPLOYEES in the upper left-hand corner of each page. Note that auto-stepping does not affect the salary schedules, only the projected salaries and employee counts for the schedules' steps/ranges.
The note at the bottom of the Cost Forecast sections indicates that all salaries were to be rounded to the nearest cent. However, this had no effect on the report's projections because rounding was not necessary.
The years listed in the upper right-hand corner of each page in the report refer to the projection year and actual year. For example:
Projection Year0 2018 Current Year
1 2019 New Year
2 2020 Future Year
The report's default file name is salnego.rpt.
Following are brief descriptions of the pages used to generate the projections:
Maintain Schedules Page | Defines the parameters for the negotiation schedule used in the projections. |
Step/Range Schedule Page | Displays the increases used in the projections. However, the increases were entered using the next page, Mass Update. |
Mass Update Page | Generates the increases in the Step/Range Schedule page since all employees using the original salary schedule were to receive the same increase (5%). |
Scheduled Salary Projections | Defines the projections in the sample report, which cover next year and the following year. In the sample, Projection 0 refers to the current year, and Projections 1-2 to the years where increases were applied (2020 and 2021). Year 1 The current salary schedule, S19, was used as the base for applying the negotiation schedule, N01, to create the new year salary schedule, S20. Note that the descriptions for S19 and S20 are the same and that the description for S20 should be changed to Schedule 2020 in the Salary Schedule table option. Year 2 The new year salary schedule, S20, was used as the base for applying the negotiation schedule, N01, to create the Year 2 projection. The same negotiation schedule was used for Years 1 and 2, because the same increase (5%) applied to both years. |