Set Up W2 Employer Records
Use this option to add, change, and delete employer W2 and 1099R records. If your organization has more than one federal Employer Identification Number (EIN), you can use the Set Up Employer Records option in W2 or 1099-R Processing to create separate records for each.
You must set up your employer information before copying employees' year-end records to a W2 workfile.
The setup process involves two pages:
Maintain Employer W2 and 1099R Records Page | Select Edit to display the W2 and 1099R Employer Maintenance page, or select a control button to navigate using the wizard.
W2 and 1099R Employer Maintenance Page | Define a workfile and enter employer information. |
Menu Path
From the Human Resources menu, select Periodic Routines. From the Year End menu, select W2 Processing.
List Employer Records
From the Maintain Employer W2 and 1099R Records page, click Edit to display the W2 and 1099R Employer Maintenance page.
Enter Search Criteria to identify existing records. To search for multiple files, use the pipe symbol or asterisk in the Control Number or Employer Name fields. To list all files, leave the fields blank. For more information, refer to the Fields and Descriptions section of this page.
Click Search.
Add Employer Records
From the W2 and 1099R Employer Maintenance page, click Add New.
Complete the fields. For more information, refer to the Fields and Descriptions section of this page.
The fields in the Employer tab default values from the W2 Parameters page. You may change this data as needed.
If you need to enter additional state Employer Identification Numbers for the current workfile, select the Additional States tab.
Select the Continuous checkbox in the Employer tab if you intend to create more than one workfile.
Click Accept to save the record.
Additional workfiles may be required if your organization has more than one federal EIN or in other cases where you need to submit data for some employees separately.
Change Employer Records
Complete the procedure to list Employer Records.
In the List section, select the record you want to change, and then click Accept.
In the Employer and Additional States tabs, change the desired fields.
Click Accept to save your changes and return to the List section.
Delete Employer Records
Complete the procedure to list Employer Records.
Select the workfile you want to delete.
Click Delete on the Toolbar. One of two Delete Confirmations will display. Either you will be asked if you want to delete all employer information for the specified year/control number, or if you want to delete already existing Employee W2 and/or 1099R information for a specific year and control number.
If no employee records are associated with the employer record and control number, only the employer record is deleted.
If employee records have been associated with the employer record and control number, the confirmation warns that there are Employee W2 or 1099R records matched to the year and control number.
Click Yes to delete the record.
Fields and Descriptions
Search Criteria and List Sections
Field | Description |
Tax Year | Tax year for the W2 information being submitted. The tax year and control number combine to identify a workfile. If you select a year and leave the other fields blank, the system displays all workfiles for the selected year. |
Control Number | Code number identifying a workfile. In the Search Criteria section, you can enter multiple control numbers, using the pipe ( | ) symbol to separate each, for example, A123|B123|C123. The limit is eight characters. |
Employer Name | Name of your organization. |
Employer Data
The fields default values from the W2 Parameters page. You can edit all fields except the Tax Year and Control Number.
Field | Description |
Tax Year | Tax year for the W2 information being submitted. |
Control Number | Code identifying the workfile for the selected tax year. If you are adding a new workfile, the year/control number combination must be unique. For Box A of the W2 form. |
Federal ID Number | Employer Identification Number (EIN) assigned by the IRS. |
State ID Number | Employer Identification Number assigned by your state. Use the Additional States tab to enter additional State ID numbers. However, to file W2 information for the other states, you must set up separate workfiles. For Box 15. |
Employer Name | Name of your organization. |
Street Address | Your organization’s street address, as entered in the Address fields of the W2 Parameters page. |
City | City of your organization’s address. |
State | State of your organization’s address. |
Zip Code | Five-digit zip code of your organization’s address. |
Zip Extension | Four-digit zip code extension. |
Additional States Data
Use this tab to enter additional states for the current workfile.
Field | Description |
State | Standard two-character state abbreviation. Select a state from the drop-down list. |
ID Number | Employer Identification Number assigned by the state selected. |