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Situation Type Table

Use this table to create records for employee situations you want track using Activity Tracker, which you can access from the Employee Information page Action Bar. Records in the Situation Type table might include annual reviews, disciplinary actions, or special types of leave.

The Situation Type Table report default file name is sit_list.rpt.

Menu Path

From the Human Resources menu, select Reference Tables. From the Personnel menu, select Situation Types.


Before you add records to the Situation Type table, you must set up the following tables:

  • Leave Table in Human Resources.

  • Resources Table in System Administration.

Set Up Situation Type Records

When you set up a record, you can:

  • Name the situation type.

  • Add a short name for use in Contracts.

  • Add a security resource required for accessing related employee personnel activity records.

  • Associate the situation type with a leave code. The system auto-generates a Personnel Activity record based on attendance records tied to the leave code.

  • Create a leave without pay situation type so a Personnel Activity record is created when an employee exceeds a leave bank balance.

  • Define up to 20 user-defined fields for the situation type.

Leave Code Reference and User-Defined Fields

If you select a Leave Code Reference in the Situation Information section, the system pre-defines the first four user-defined fields to store the leave code title, hours, remarks, and check date associated with Personnel Activity records using the situation type.

  • Field # 1 is automatically titled Leave Cd Title. It is defined to store the title or description of the leave. This information comes from Payroll Leave table.

  • Field # 2 is titled Hours/Days. It stores the number of leave hours or days taken. This information comes from the posted attendance record that auto-generates the Personnel Activity record.

  • Field # 3 is titled Remarks. It stores attendance remarks pertaining to the leave taken. This information comes from the posted attendance record.

  • Field # 4 is titled Check Date. This field stores the date issued for the paycheck containing the leave. This information comes from the payroll processing timecard function.

You can define the other user-defined fields to track additional information for a leave-related situation type.

If you intend to use user-defined codes in the Situation Type Table table-verified fields, you must set up a User-Defined table record identified by the code 0000. You are not required to use this code, but the Situation Type table requires it for verifying codes from the User-Defined table.

Add a Situation Type record

  1. On the Situation Type Table page, click Add New.

  2. In the Situation Information section:

    1. Enter a Situation Name.

    2. Optional: Enter a Contract Short Name. The field is used to add the Situation Type in a contract. If entered, it must be exactly seven characters.

    3. Security: This field is skipped until you continue past the Leave Code Reference field.

    4. Optional: Select a Leave Code Reference. For more information on this field, refer to the Fields and Descriptions section.

  3. Click Accept or press the Tab key.

  4. A Create Situation Security confirmation appears.

    • To assign security for the situation type, click OK. The system assigns the next available security resource code from the 1607-1699 range.

    • If you do not want to assign security, click Cancel. The system leaves the Security field blank.

  5. In the User-Defined Fields section, enter additional user-defined fields, as needed. For additional information, refer to the Leave Code Reference and User-Defined Fields section.

  6. Click Accept to save the record.

Fields and Descriptions

The Situation Type Table page detail section is divided into two sections. The Situation Information section lets you identify the record and define security and leave information associated with it. The User-Defined Fields section lets you define parameters for user-defined fields associated with the record.

Situation Information Section

The following fields are used to identify a Situation Type record:



Situation Name

Brief name or description identifying the Situation Type record, such as Annual Review or Disciplinary Action.

The limit is 15 characters.

Contract Short Name

Short code to be used to add the Situation Type to a contract.

Must be exactly seven characters.


Security resource code required for accessing Personnel Activity records with this situation type.

The system updates the field based on your response to the Create Situation Security confirmation that appears after you complete the Situation Information section:

  • If you click OK in the dialog, the system assigns the next available security code in the 1607 to 1699 range. This range is reserved for Situation Type records.

  • If you click Cancel, the system leaves the Security field blank.

You can change the security resource code later but you cannot assign a code that is already in use.

Leave Code Reference

Leave code associated with the situation type, if applicable. The list options are defined in the Leave Table.

Based on this field, the system automatically creates Personnel Activity records as a by-product of attendance posting. The following circumstances determine whether auto-generating occurs:

  • Attendance must be recorded against a leave bank with the same three-character leave code as the one entered in the Leave Code Reference field.

  • If you create a Situation Type record with a Leave Code Reference of LWP, the system auto-generates a Personnel Activity record whenever an employee has system-generated leave without pay (pay code 099) assessed.

User-Defined Fields Section

You can define data entry parameters and field labels for up to 20 user-defined fields if the Situation Type record is not associated with a leave code. Otherwise, you can define 16 user-defined fields.

Specify the field label, data type, field length, and table-verification code for each user-defined field associated with the situation type. For more information on how the first four fields relate to leave, refer to the Leave Code Reference and User-Defined Fields section.




Field name that displays when you add or display a Personnel Activity record that uses this situation type.

The limit is 15 characters.


Type of data the field accepts and indication of whether the field is required. Users who add or change Personnel Activity records that use the situation type must complete fields designated as required.

Select one of the following:

  • CN: Character - optional

  • NN: Number - optional

  • DN: Date - optional

  • CR: Required Character

  • NR: Required Number

  • DR: Required Date


Maximum length of the field. Enter a value between 1 and 50 for character and numeric fields.

Ref (Reference)

Identifies the user-defined Personnel table that verifies data entered in this field. If the user-defined field is not table-verified, leave this field blank.

The limit is two characters.

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