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Standard Reports Procedure

Professional Development's Reports menu includes options for generating reports on courses, attendance, and participants. This section discusses each of the options and provides the standard report procedure.

Though the sections and fields on the Professional Development report pages may vary, the procedure for generating reports is the same no matter which option is used.

Menu Path:  Human Resources > Reports > Professional Development > select an option

Generating reports

  1. Select Human Resources > Reports > Professional Development, and then select the desired option.
  2. If available, select the appropriate radio buttons in the following section:

    Report Sort Method

    Specifies the order for sorting the report. For example, by course name or location.

  3. Enter selection criteria in the page's fields to specify the records to include in your report.
    • For fields that accept multiple entries, you may enter an individual entry or include several by placing the pipe symbol ( | ) between each entry. For example, to search for multiple Course ID numbers, enter 135|242|312.
    • For fields that accept a range, such as date fields, use a colon between the beginning and end of the range. For example, 10012018:10312018 limits the report to dates in October 2018.
      To perform an advanced search, click Advanced. This displays a page where you can apply a wider range of fields in your search and also set up logical statements for limiting your selection to specific records.
  4. As needed, select or clear any checkboxes that display.

  5. Click OK to generate the report.
    A processing window displays showing the system's progress in generating the report.
  6. After you open the report, click OK in the File Downloading dialog.
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