Status Code Table
Use this page to add, update, and delete Status Codes. The Status Code table contains codes referencing the employment status of employees and job applicants, such as active, inactive, or terminated.
Codes from the Status Code table are used on the following pages:
In the General section of the Employee Information page in Human Resources. For more information, refer to the Employee Information Detail Page.
In the Applicant Status tab of the Applicant Information page in Applicant Tracking. For more information, refer to Accessing Applicant Information.
You can set up various status codes related to the termination of employees' positions, but you still need to create records in the Termination Code table. Termination codes and status codes are both used on the Terminate Employee page. For more information, refer to the Termination Code Table.
The default file name of the Status Code Table report is statuscd.rpt.
Menu Path
From the Human Resources menu, select Reference Tables. From the Personnel menu, select Status Codes.
Field Descriptions
Field | Description |
Status Code | A code identifying the employment status of an employee or job applicant. The limit is four characters. |
Title | The full name or description of the status type. The limit is 35 characters. |