Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accruals - Liability Setup Page
Use the Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accruals - Liability Setup page to establish the liability account masks for loading accruals for salaries and benefits. The Load creates the accounts that will be used when processing your summer pay fiscal accruals. You can define the account masks based on parts of the Budget Unit or specific liability accounts.
You must define your liability accounts and attach them to the balance sheet for the fund specified before you can load any accrual records that will be processed for summer pay fiscal year accruals.
Menu Path: Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Year End > Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accruals > click Liability Setup on the Action Bar
Action Bar Item
The Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accruals - Liability Setup page's Action Bar displays the following item after you generate a list of liability account masks:
Translate | Displays the Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accruals - Translate Liability Account Mask page, which allows you to generate and review the liability account that will be created based on the *Budget Unit* Mask entered. For additional information, refer to the Procedures section. |
Creating *Budget Unit* Masks
A mask uses letters to represent the positions in the budget unit. The Load option interprets the mask based on the positions, verifies that the liability accounts exist in the balance sheet for the fund, and creates the summer pay fiscal year accruals.
Following are guidelines for creating *Budget Unit* masks:
- Use X to represent the positions of your budget unit that are not being used to create the liability account.
- Use A-H to represent the positions in your budget unit that will be used to create the liability account.
If you have specific liability accounts that you will be using for your accruals, you would define the *Budget Unit* Mask with all X's. This indicates that the liability account you enter in the Liability Account Mask field is the one that will be tied to the fund on the Balance Sheet.
Example 1
In the following, the last characters of the Budget Unit represent the last three digits of the liability account:
*Budget Unit* Mask | XXXXXXXXXXXXXABC |
Liability Account | L6110ABC |
Translates to:
*Budget Unit* Mask | 1201221330099013 |
Liability Account | L6110013 |
Example 2
Following is a two-part mask where the last three characters of the *Budget Unit* represent the fourth, fifth and sixth position of the liability account, while the sixth and seventh characters represent the account's seventh and eighth positions:
*Budget Unit* Mask | XXXXXDEXXXXXXABC |
Liability Account | L61ABCDE |
Translates to:
*Budget Unit* Mask | 1201221330099013 |
Liability Account | L6101321 |
Example 3:
Following is an example where a specific liability account will be used:
*Budget Unit* Mask | XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX |
Liability Account | L123456 |
Translates to:
*Budget Unit* Mask | 1201221330099013 |
Liability Account | L123456 |
Adding a liability account mask
- Select Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Year End > Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accruals to display the Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accruals page.
- Click Liability Setup on the Action Bar.
- Click Add New.
In the Expense Type field, select one of the following depending on the liability mask you are creating:
Applies to the benefits that are being encumbered for employees.
Applies to the employer's contribution for FICA that is being encumbered.
Applies to the employer's contribution for Medicare that is being encumbered.
Applies to the employees' salaries that are being encumbered.
Applies to the workers' compensation codes that are being encumbered.
In the Code field, select the appropriate code for the Expense Type you entered:
The field will list the deduction codes for the benefits that are set up to be encumbered. You can select an individual code, or select * - ALL for all codes in the list.
The field will only list *FI - FICA, regardless of whether *FI is set up to encumber the employer's contribution. If *FI is not set up to encumber the employer's contribution, no records will be loaded when the Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accruals - Load option is run.
The field will only list *FM - Medicare, regardless of whether *FM is set up to encumber the employer's contribution. If *FM is not set up to encumber the employer's contribution, no records will be loaded when the Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accruals - Load option is run.
The field will list the pay codes that are set up to be encumbered. You can select an individual code, or select * - ALL for all the codes in the list.
The field will list the workers' compensation codes that are set up to be encumbered. You can select an individual code, or select * - ALL for all the codes in the list.
- In the *Budget Unit* Mask field, enter the mask that will be used to create the Liability Account.
- In the Liability Account Mask field, enter masking values A through H to represent the positions of your liability account that will be created based on the corresponding masking in the *Budget Unit* Mask field.
If you are using a specific liability account for the accruals, enter the account. - In the Fund field, enter the fund associated with the liability account where the accruals will be charged.
If you are charging the accruals to the same fund as the related budget units, enter an *. Otherwise, enter the specific fund - Click OK to save the mask.
Changing a liability account mask
- Select Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Year End > Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accruals
- Click Liability Setup on the Action Bar.
- In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria, and then click Find to list the liability account mask setups. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.
- In the List section, select the liability account mask you want to change, and then click OK.
- Change the Budget Unit Mask, Liability Account Mask, and Fund fields as needed.
- Click OK to save your changes.
Deleting a liability account mask
- Select Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Year End > Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accruals
- Click Liability Setup on the Action Bar.
- In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria, and then click Find to list the liability account mask setups. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.
- In the List section, select the liability account mask you want to delete.
- Click Delete.
- Click Yes in the Delete Confirmation.
Reviewing liability account setups using Translate
- Select Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Year End > Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accruals
- Click Liability Setup on the Action Bar.
- In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria, and then click Find to list the liability account mask setups. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.
- In the List section, select the liability account mask you want to review.
- Click Translate on the Action Bar to display the Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accruals - Translate Liability Account Mask page.
- In the Translate Current Mask section, enter the Budget Unit that you want to translate, and then click OK.
The Liability Account field will display the value translated.
Liability Setup Page
Field | Description | ||||||||||
Expense Type | The expense type that will use the liability account mask when the Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accural - Load option is processed.
| ||||||||||
Code | The code associated with the expense type that will use the liability account mask when the Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accrual - Load option is processed. | ||||||||||
*Budget Unit* Mask | Mask defined for the budget unit that will be used to create the liability account. As indicated by the asterisks, the field's title is defined in the Human Resources Profile and may be different in your system. X - represents the positions of your budget unit that are not being used to create the liability account. A - H - represent the positions of your budget unit that will be used to create the liability account. | ||||||||||
Liability Account Max | Mask defined for the liability account that will be used in conjunction with the Budget Unit Mask to create the liability account. This field can be masked or a specific liability account can be entered. A - H - represent the positions of your liability account that will be created based on the corresponding masking in the Budget Unit Mask field. | ||||||||||
Fund | The fund associated with the liability account mask where the accruals will be charged. |