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Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accruals Page

The Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accruals page is the main page used to define accrual records that will be processed for summer pays. This page enables you to:

  • Define the liability accounts that will be used for the accruals.

  • Load accrual amounts and project balances for employees that are to be processed for Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accruals.

  • Post the accruals to the Fund Accounting System.

  • Generate a report to verify the data that was loaded, posted and is being processed during the summer payrolls.

  • Liquidate any remaining balances after the final summer payroll has been processed.

  • Purge accrual records for prior fiscal years.

Menu Path:  Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Year End > Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accruals

Action Bar Items

The Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accruals page's Action Bar displays the following items:

Liability Setup

Displays the Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accruals - Liability Setup page, which allows you to create the liability accounts that will be used when processing the accruals.


Displays the Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accruals - Load page, which allows you to load the accrual records and project balances for employees that will be processed through the Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accruals.


Displays the Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accruals - Report page, where you can generate the Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accruals report.


Displays the Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accruals - Post page, which allows you to create the batch journal entries for the expenditure, general and project ledgers that need to be charged in the prior fiscal year.

Final Liquidation

Displays the Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accruals - Final Liquidation page, which allows you to liquidate any remaining balances after your final summer payroll has been completed.


Displays the Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accruals - Purge page, which allows you to purge accrual records for prior fiscal years.

After you list the accrual records, all other action items are replaced by the following:

Mass Delete

Allows you to delete all accrual records that are listed where the Accrual Status is L-Loaded.

Project Charging Toolbar Item

If your system supports project charging, the following Project Charging item displays on the far right of the toolbar in the Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accruals page:

   (Project Charging)

Displays the Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accruals - Projects page, which enables you to review the project accrual records created during the load.

Following are procedures for deleting accrual records. Procedures for using the Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accruals page's other action items appear in the sections that follow.

Deleting individual accrual records

  1. Select Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Year End > Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accruals to display the Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accruals page.

  2. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.

  3. In the List section, select the accrual record you want to delete, and then click Delete.

  4. In the Confirmation dialog, click Yes.

Mass deleting accrual records

  1. Select Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Year End > Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accruals to display the Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accruals page.

  2. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.

  3. Click Mass Delete on the Action Bar.

  4. Click Yes to delete all accrual records in the List section.


The accruals that appear in the Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accruals page are display only. These accruals are maintained by running the Load option, which is used to process summer payrolls after accrual records are posted to Fund Accounting with either the Final Liquidation or Purge option.

Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accrual Data Section



Fiscal Year

The fiscal year that applies to the accruals.

Employee Number

ID number of the employee.

Job Class

The job class that appears in the employee's pay rate record that is being encumbered and will be processed through Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accruals. This field will only have a value when the Record Type field has a value of O - Gross Wages or W - Workers' Compensation.

Record Type

The accrual type being processed for Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accruals.

O - Gross Wages
F - Fringe Benefits
W - Workers' Compensation.


The code field is dependent on the value in the Record Type field:

O - Gross Wages - The Code field will be the pay code that appears in the employee's pay rate record along with the Job Class that is being encumbered.
F - Fringe Benefits - The Code field will be the benefit code for the employee who is being encumbered.
W - Workers' Compensation - The Code will be the Workers' Comp Code from the Workers' Compensation table where the Workers' Comp Code Encumbered checkbox is selected and the code is associated with an employee who is being processed for summer pay fiscal year accruals.

Budget Unit

Organization for distributing payroll expenses, benefit charging, or workers' compensation charging for the accrual record. As indicated by the asterisks, the field title is defined in the Human Resources Profile and may be different in your system.


Account for distributing payroll expenses, benefit charging or workers' compensation charging for the accrual record.


Fund associated with the Liability Account that will be charged for the accruals.

Liability Account

The liability account associated with the Fund that will be charged for the accrual.

Accrual Amount

The original amount that has been accrued for the employee at the time the Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accrual records were loaded and posted to fund accounting.

Liquidated Amount

The amount that has been liquidated. This field is updated each time a payroll which is set up to process summer pay fiscal year accruals is completed. It will also be updated if a manual or void check is posted against a pay run that was set up to process summer pay fiscal year accruals and the user processing the manual or void answers yes to the question to process or reverse any necessary accruals.

Note this field is not updated with the Final Liquidation. As a result, you can track the amounts updated only by the summer payrolls.


The balance remaining to be liquidated for the accrual record. This field is reduced each time the Liquidated Amount field is updated. It will also be set to 0.00 when the Final Liquidation is processed.

Accrual Status

The status of the accrual record. In the Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accrual page, the statuses for the accrual records are:

L - Loaded - The accrual record has been loaded by using the Load option. With this status, the record can be updated in Employee Information and loaded again. It can be deleted from the Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accrual page or posted to fund accounting.
P - Posted - The accrual record has been posted to fund accounting by using the Post option.
C - Completed - The accrual record has a Balance of 0.00.
N - New Year Rates Changed - The Update New Year Rates option has been run on the employee. The accrual record can no longer be processed. Any remaining balance needs to be liquidated by running the Final Liquidation.

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