Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accruals - Purge Page
Use the Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accruals - Purge page to permanently remove all summer pay fiscal year accrual and project records from your database for the year selected. You can not process the purge for the current or prior fiscal years.
Menu Path: Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Year End > Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accruals > click Purge on the Action Bar
Back up your database before using this option. Once records are purged, they cannot be recovered, except by restoring the backup.
Purging the Summer Pay Fiscal Year accrual and project records
Select Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Year End > Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accruals to display the Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accruals page.
Click Purge on the page's Action Bar.
Select the Fiscal Year you want to purge.
Click OK.
Click Yes in the Purge Confirmation dialog to permanently remove the accrual and project records for the year selected.
Field | Description |
Fiscal Year | The fiscal year for the records being purged. You cannot purge accrual records for the current or prior year. |