Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accruals - Report Page
Use this page to generate the Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accruals report. The report includes the employee, record type, job class, code (pay code, benefit code or workers' compensation code), budget unit, account, fund, liability account, and the amounts for the accrual, liquidated and balances as displayed in the Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accruals page. You can also include accrual status information and totals.
Menu Path: Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Year End > Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accruals and then click Report.
Generating the Summer Pay Fiscal Year Project Charging Report
Select Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Year End > Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accruals and then click (Project Charging).
Click Report to display the Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accruals Projects - Report page.
In the Sort Options section, select a sort order for the report. As indicated by the asterisks, the Project title is defined in the Human Resources Profile and may be different in your system.
Project, Account, then Name
Name, Project, then Account
Job Class, Project, then AccountEnter selection criteria in the page's fields to specify the project records you want to include in your report.
In the Additional Criteria section, select the appropriate checkboxes:
Print Status Information
Include Totals on ReportClick OK.
In the Print window, enter your report settings. The report's default file name is SumFiscProjRpt.rpt.
Click OK.
Field | Description |
Fiscal Year | The fiscal year that applies to the accruals. |
Employee Number | ID number of the employee. |
Job Class | The job class that appears in the employee's pay rate record that is being encumbered and will be processed through Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accruals. This field will only have a value when the Record Type field has a value of O - Gross Wages or W - Workers' Compensation. |
Record Type | The accrual type being processed for Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accruals: O - Gross Wages |
Code | The code field is dependent on the value in the Record Type field: O - Gross Wages - The Code field will be the pay code that appears in the employee's pay rate record along with the Job Class that is being encumbered. |
Budget Unit | Organization for distributing payroll expenses, benefit charging, or workers' compensation charging for the accrual record. As indicated by the asterisks, the field title is defined in the Human Resources Profile and may be different in your system. |
Account | Account for distributing payroll expenses, benefit charging or workers' compensation charging for the accrual record. |
Fund | Fund associated with the Liability Account that will be charged for the accruals. |
Liability Account | The liability account associated with the Fund that will be charged for the accrual. |
Accrual Amount | The original amount that has been accrued for the employee at the time the Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accrual records were loaded and posted to Fund Accounting. |
Liquidated Amount | The amount that has been liquidated. This field is updated each time a payroll which is set up to process summer pay fiscal year accruals is completed. It will also be updated if a manual or void check is posted against a pay run that was set up to process summer pay fiscal year accruals and the user processing the manual or void answers yes to the question to process or reverse any necessary accruals. Note this field is not updated with the Final Liquidation. As a result, you can track the amounts updated only by the summer payrolls. |
Balance | The balance remaining to be liquidated for the accrual record. This field is reduced each time the Liquidated Amount field is updated. It will also be set to 0.00 when the Final Liquidation is processed. |
Accrual Status | The status of the accrual record. In the Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accrual page, the statuses for the accrual records are: L - Loaded - The accrual record has been loaded by using the Load option. With this status, the record can be updated in Employee Information and loaded again. It can be deleted from the Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accrual page or posted to fund accounting. |