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System Setup Page

Use this page to set up the record that determines the current year for your contract definitions and also allows PDF's of contracts to be generated for third party systems.

Menu Path:  Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Contracts > Contract Center > click System Setup on the Action Bar

Updating system setup

  1. Select Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Contracts > Contract Center to display the Contract Center.

  2. Click System Setup on the Action Bar to display the System Setup page.
    If this is your first visit to the System Setup page, a dialog will display explaining that these settings must be defined before other procedures can be completed in the Contract Center. 

  3. In the System Setup section, complete the fields.

  4. When finished, click OK to update the record.


System Setup Page



Current School Year

School year for the contracts. YYYY-YYYY format.

Generate PDFs for 3rd Party

Checkbox to allow PDF's to be generated for third party systems. Select the box to enable the PDF's to be generated.

Location for 3rd Party PDFs

Location on either a computer or network to store the generated PDF's for third party systems, for example, C:\Users\tom.adams\Documents\PDFs. Character/50

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