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Timesheet Audit Trail Report

The Timesheet Audit Trail Report page provides information about changes made to an employee’s timesheet by both the employee and the employee’s supervisor that can be referenced if an employee disputes recorded time. The page provides read-only information captured from activities performed in the Employee Timesheets (ETS) application.

Menu Path

From the Human Resources menu, select Reports. From the Employee Timesheets menu, select Timesheet Audit Trail Report.


Users must have security resource 5112: May Run ETS Audit Trail Log.

Search Criteria

Some search criteria fields are consistent for multiple audit trail reports. Key fields are specific to the Timesheet Audit Trail Report and include:

  • Employee Name

  • Employee Number: For a range, enter employee numbers in both the From and To fields.

  • Department: For a range, enter department codes in both the From and To fields.

  • Pay Period: The period for which the time is entered in Timesheets, defined in ETS. For a range, enter pay periods in both the From and To fields.

  • Status: Select a status from the list to refine search results. This field is not displayed for the Table Name: Clocked Time.

Search Results

Audit records based on search criteria are displayed. Each column change creates an audit trail record, which includes the key columns for the table and the following details about the change:

  • Date and time of the change

  • Change note entered by the user

  • Column that was changed, previous value, and new value

  • Type of change:

    • A - Added value

    • U - Updated value

    • D - Deleted value

  • User who made the change

Print Audit Log

  1. On the Timesheet Audit Trail Report page, enter search criteria to identify audit records. You must select a Table Name. Other criteria is optional.

  2. Click Search.

  3. After the results display on the page, click Print.

  4. On the print dialog, select the destination. You can output to a PDF file or Excel. The default report names are:

    • File or Screen: ETS_audit.rpt.

    • Excel: ETS_auditrpt.xlsx.

Fields and Descriptions

The fields align for the Search Criteria and Audit Entry Details.



Package Code

Read-only field displays ETS.

Table Name

Selected table:

  • wet_clock_time - Clocked Time

  • wet_detail - Other Time and Daily Time

  • wet_input_days - Attendance

  • wet_app_time - Submit and Approvals

Change Date

Date of activity.

Change Time

Time of activity.

Change Type

The type of the change:

  • Added value

  • Updated value

  • Deleted value

Change Note

Change note entered by the user who made the change.

Column Name

Column names in the list depend on the selected Table Name. Each column change generates a record.

Old Value

Original or previous value of a change that was made.

New Value

Edited or new value of a change that was made.

Changed By

Employee ID of the employee or supervisor who made the change.

Employee Name

Employee whose data was changed.

Employee Number

Employee number of employee whose data was changed.

In Search Criteria: Enter a single employee number in the From field to search for one employee. To search for a range of employees, enter a different employee number in the To field.


Department of employees whose data was changed.

In Search Criteria: Enter a department in the From field to search for one department. To search for a range of departments, enter a different department in the To field.

Pay Period

Pay period for which data was changed.

In Search Criteria: Enter a pay period in the From field to search for one pay period. To search for a range of pay periods, enter a different pay period in the To field.


Status of the changed record:

  • A - Approved

  • P - Posted

  • S - Submitted

  • N - Not Submitted

  • D - Denied

  • E - Errors Found

Status field does not appear when the Table Name selected is Clocked Time.

Clock In/Out Date

Only appears in Audit Entry Details from search results.

In / Out

Only appears in Audit Entry Details from search results.

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