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Unclear Check

Use this option to remove the dates from the Date Cleared fields in payroll checks. The Unclear Check option is useful if you inadvertently cleared checks during the reconciliation process that have not yet cleared the bank. The system returns the checks to uncleared status, so they can be reconciled once they do clear.

Menu Path:  Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Payroll > Unclear Check

Payroll Reopen Previously Cleared Checks Log

The Payroll Reopen Previously Cleared Checks Log report is generated if you unclear more than one check. The report lists all numbers and messages for checks in the range selected but does not provide other check data.

  • All checks that have been issued but have not yet been cleared are identified by the message CHECK NOT PREVIOUSLY CLEARED.

  • Checks that have not been issued are identified by the message CHECK NOT FOUND.

  • Checks that have been uncleared are not shown. However, they can be identified by the fact that their numbers are omitted in the sequential listing.

Removing cleared dates from payroll checks

  1. Select Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Payroll > Unclear Check to display the Unclear Payroll Checks page.

  2. In the Start Check Number field, enter the first check number in the range of checks you want to search.

  3. In the End Check Number field, enter the last check number in your search range.

  4. Click OK.

  5. If you entered a single check, the following fields display the date, employee ID, and amount of the check. Otherwise, you can use the fields to enter additional criteria:
    Issue Date Date the check was issued. To search for checks in a range of dates, use the greater than (>) or less than (<) symbol in combination with the equal sign. For example, the entry =>09012017 matches dates on or after September 1, 2017.
    Employee Employee identification number. To search for multiple employees, use the pipe symbol between their ID's, for example, 1234567|1324657|2135467.
    Amount Check amount. To search for checks that are more or less than a certain amount, use the greater than or less than symbols in combination with the equal sign. For example, the entry =<1000 matches all amounts of $1,000 or less. 

  6. Click OK.

  7. In the Confirmation dialog, click Yes to clear the checks.
    If you entered a single check, the process ends. Otherwise, a Print window displays. Proceed to Step 9.

  8. In the Print window, enter settings for generating the Payroll Reopen Previously Cleared Checks Log report. The report's default file name is clear_pr.rpt.

  9. Click OK to generate the report.

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