Using Education Table Records
The options on the Human Resources > Reference Tables > Education menu enable you to set up table-verified records that are used to document employees' educational backgrounds in the Human Resources System's Personnel pages.
The procedures for adding, updating, and deleting Education table records are the same as those used in maintaining other types of tables in Human Resources. For the standard procedures to follow, refer to Maintain Reference Table Records.
Menu Path: Human Resources > Reference Tables > Education > select an option
How Education Tables are Used
Following are the options listed on the Education menu. The listing provides the purpose of each table and identifies tables that are required in the Human Resources System.
Table Option | Purpose | Table Required? |
Continuing Ed Class Types | Define levels of certification or other organization-related development goals. | Optional |
Continuing Ed Cost Types | Breakdown of costs associated with a course used in Continuing Education. | Optional |
Continuing Ed Course Status Codes | Define a course's status in Continuing Education. | Required if using Continuing Education |
Continuing Ed Course User-Defined Labels | User-defined codes which store additional information for which there is no standard Continuing Education field. | Optional |
Course Category Codes | Define course categories which associate courses with a particular type of employee. | Optional |
Course Credit Types | Define the type of credit a participant earns in a given course. | Required if using credits |
Course Proficiency Codes | Define specific levels of certification or organization-related development goals. | Optional |
Course Term Codes | Define the instructional term or duration of courses. | Optional |
Course Topic Areas | Define the area of study for a course. | Optional |
Degree Levels | Defines employees' degree levels. | Optional |
Degree Schools | Define the schools or organizations that issued employees' academic degrees. | Optional |
Degree Subject Type | Define the subjects types associated with employees' degrees. | Optional |
Degree Subjects | Define the subject areas of degrees. | Optional |
Degrees | Identifies the academic degrees earned by employees. | Optional |