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W2 Print Controls Page

Use this page to provide additional employer identification information and enter settings for generating your W2 forms and electronic file. You may change the information stored in this page any time prior to printing the W2 forms and submitting your data.

Menu Path:  Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Year End > W2 Processing > click Set Up W2 Parameters > click Next

Page Sections

Following are descriptions of the W2 Print Controls page's data entry sections:

W2 Controls

Defines the type of W2 forms you use, includes settings for submitting data to the IRS, and stores additional information the IRS can use to contact your organization.

Print Controls

Includes checkboxes for allowing or preventing certain information from printing on your W2 forms.

Setting your W2 controls

  1. After completing the W2 Parameters page, click Next to display the W2 Print Controls page.

  2. Complete the page's fields. Refer to the Fields below.

  3. Click Next to display the Maintain Employer W2 Records page.

W2 Controls Section

This section provides additional contact information to the IRS and defines the type of forms being submitted.



Personal ID Number

Personal Identification Number (PIN) assigned by the IRS. Character/17

Contact Fax

Fax number of the contact person, including the area code and dashes, for example, 999-999-9999.

Form Type

Type of W2 forms you use. The only option is:

5 - Laser Forms

Media Type

Type of media you use to submit W2 data to the IRS.


D - Disk/Electronic File - You can use this option if you store your data on your server's hard drive and submit the information to the IRS either electronically or by mail.

Optio Server

Optio server type.


OC- ocserver
EI - eiserver
AU - auto detect

Contact your system administrator for assistance.

Print Type

Print server configuration type.


V - Windows to Windows

Printer Name

Name of the physical printer used for your forms. Contact your system administrator for assistance.

Print Server

IP address of the print server used for virtual printing. Contact your system administrator for assistance.

Print Controls Section

The following fields define the controls for including or excluding certain data on W2 forms. Clear the boxes if the information indicated is pre-printed on your forms.



Print Name

Checkbox determining whether to print your organization’s name, as entered in the Employer Name field.

Print Federal ID

Checkbox determining whether to print your federal Employer Identification Number (EIN).

Print State ID

Checkbox determining whether to print your state Employer Identification Number.

Print Control Number

Checkbox determining whether to print the control number from the W2 and 1099R Employer Maintenance page.

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