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Detailed Displays

The Detailed Displays option enables you to display and view stock information from your Inventory Catalog. This includes transactions on receiving, requests, back orders, filling, and returns to inventory.

The Detailed Displays option uses the following pages for searching for and viewing inventory transaction records:

Inventory Transactions Page

Enables you to identify transaction records by entering selection criteria. You can also access the Advanced Search page, which provides an extensive range of fields to search for records.

After generating a list of records in the Inventory Transactions page, you can select a record and display the Detail Inventory Transaction page.

Detail Inventory Transaction PageEnables you to view complete information on a transaction, including its warehouse and shipping codes, stock item number, vendor code and name, quantity, cost, date, accounting distributions, and purchase order data.

Menu Path:  Warehouse Inventory > Entry & Processing > Detailed Displays > Inventory Transactions

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