Fill Requests Page
Use this page to fill all approved line items for selected requests. This includes back ordered quantities if stock has become available since the request was created.
- The system allows you to limit filling to back orders or reserved quantities. You can enter separate selection criteria for filling quantities that are on reserve or back order.
- The system assigns a Fill ID to each set of requests processed. It displays in the standard Print window after you pick the requests to process.
This number is generated sequentially based on the Next Fill ID in the Warehouse Inventory Profile. You can use the Fill ID as selection criteria when printing packing lists. - Running the Fill Requests option generates the Automatic Fill Exception List, which shows all line items that could not be filled. A system message prints describing why each line item could not be processed. Menu Path: Warehouse Inventory > Entry & Processing > Warehouse Inventory > Warehouse Administration > click Fill Requests on the Action Bar
System Processing
Following is a summary of how system settings control which records you can fill with this option, along with an explanation of how records are affected in the Inventory Catalog.
- If your Warehouse Inventory Profile is set up to require approval of stock item requests, then the system only processes line items that are approved.
- For the line item's requested Quantity, the system subtracts the quantity filled from the Inventory Catalog record's Reserved field.
- For line items with a back ordered quantity, the system subtracts the quantity filled from the Inventory Catalog record's Available field. Back orders cannot be filled if the catalog record's available stock would fall below its safety point.
Filling quantities on reserve, back order, or both
- Select Warehouse Inventory > Entry & Processing > Warehouse Inventory > Warehouse Administration to display the Warehouse Administration page.
- Click Fill Requests on the Action Bar to display the Fill Requests page.
- In the Search Criteria section, select a Year and Warehouse. The Category field is optional.
- Select the following checkboxes as needed: Fill Backorder and Fill Request. For details, refer to the Fields section.
- Click OK to display one or two new sections, as determined by your selections in Step 4.
- Complete the fields in the sections displayed to further define the requests to be filled. As needed, you may leave all of the additional fields blank.
- Click OK.
- In the Confirmation dialog, click OK to continue.
In the Question dialog, indicate whether you want to fill requests that exceed budget for accounts that are set to Warning.
To allow requests exceeding budget to be filled if their accounts are set to Warning.
To prevent requests exceeding budget from being filled if their accounts are set to Warning.
In either case, requests that exceed budget cannot be filled if their accounts are set to Fatal.
- In the Print window, specify how to generate the report, and then click OK. The report's default file name is except.rpt.
- The system fills approved line items meeting your selection criteria. If any of the line items cannot be filled, the system generates the Automatic Fill Exception List which shows why the items were not processed.
- If there are exceptions noted, you can correct the conditions, and then either run the Fill Requests option again for the requests selected or use the Update Request page's Exception Fill item to fill line items individually.
- If no requests are filled, the system re-displays the Enter Criteria For Backorders/Request Fill sections to allow you to enter different criteria. However, the system's inability to fill requests could stem from your entries in the initial Search Criteria section or be based on factors such as having no approved line items available or no back orders to fill.
Initially, the page displays the Search Criteria section. As part of your criteria, you must select at least one of the section's checkboxes. Your selections determine the sections that display in the page after you click OK.
Search Criteria Section
Field | Description |
Year | Fiscal year associated with the requests being filled. The default is the current fiscal year. You may change this to the next fiscal year if you want to auto-fill next year requests. |
Warehouse | Code identifying the warehouse where the stock items being requested are stored. |
Category | User-defined code assigned to items in the Stock Number table, for example, PENS or TONER. An entry in this field limits the items filled to a specific category. Leaving the field blank allows items from all categories to be filled. If you enter a category that does not exist, no items will be filled. |
Fill Backorder | Checkbox indicating whether back orders should be filled for the requests selected. Select the box to include back orders. If you select this field and leave the Fill Request checkbox blank, only back orders will be filled. |
Fill Request | Checkbox indicating whether reserved quantities should be filled for the requests selected. Reserved quantities are the quantities that were set aside in the Inventory Catalog when the request was added. Select the box to fill reserved quantities. If you select this field and leave the Fill Backorder checkbox blank, only reserved quantities will be filled. |
Enter Criteria For Backorders Or Request Fill Sections
After you enter your criteria and click OK, the Fill Request page displays either one or two sections, depending on whether you selected the Fill Backorder checkbox, Fill Request checkbox, or both. The sections include the same fields. The Date and Period displayed default from the Fund Accounting Profile.
Field | Description |
Ship Code | Code identifying the location for delivering the line item, as defined in Purchasing's Shipping Table. To select multiple locations, insert the pipe symbol between codes, for example, 150|210|250. To reference all shipping locations, leave the field blank. |
Request | Number identifying a request. To select multiple locations, insert the pipe symbol between numbers, for example, 20180512|20180519|20180524. To select a range of numbers, insert the colon symbol between the lowest and highest numbers in the ranges, for example, 20180501:20180520. To reference all requests, leave the field blank. |