Multiple Charging Page
Use this page to charge commodity requests to multiple distribution accounts while entering requests in the Quick Request Entry page. Otherwise, you can only specify one distribution per commodity.
Menu Path: Vendor Bidding > Entry & Processing > Bid Information > Quick Request Entry > list a bid's commodities in the Quick Request Entry page > click Charging on the page's Action Bar
Action Bar Items
The following items display on the Multiple Charging page's Action Bar:
Insert Row | Inserts a row above the cursor's position for entering an additional distribution. You can specify the quantity that applies and then the combination of organization, account, project, and project account. |
Delete Row | Deletes the row at the cursor's current position. |
- Complete Steps 1-6 in the procedure for the Quick Request Entry Page.
- Enter commodity requests as indicated in Steps 7-9.
- While entering information for a commodity that requires multiple distributions, click Charging on the Action Bar to display the Multiple Charging page.
- In the Qty. (Quantity) Requested field, enter the number of units that applies to the current distribution line. The Extended Price field will display the cost for this distribution (Extended Price = Quantity Requested x Unit Price).
- If you entered a quantity for the commodity in the Quick Request Entry page, the Qty. Requested field will display the full quantity. Replace this with the quantity that applies to the current distribution line.
- If you did not enter a quantity before displaying the Multiple Charging page, all fields will be blank. Enter the quantity that applies to the current distribution. The Unit Price and Extended Price fields will display the appropriate amounts.
- In the Organization, Account, Project, and (Project) Account fields, enter the distribution for this part of the request.
- Repeat Steps 4-5 for each additional quantity and its distribution until the total units equal the total quantity for this commodity.
Use the Action Bar's Insert Row and Delete Row items to add or remove distribution lines. - Click OK to save the distributions and return to the Quick Request Entry page.
The distribution fields for the commodity display the code MULTI to indicate that multiple distributions have been entered. - Continue with the procedure in the Quick Request entry page.