Print Pick Pack List Page
Use this page to print a detailed packing list showing complete information for selected filled requests or a summary report showing the total stock item quantity filled for selected requests. You can select requests based on Fill Date, Fill ID, Warehouse Code, and Request Number.
After using the detailed list to pick stock, you can send it with the requested items for verification of proper delivery. Depending on your procedures, the packing list can be signed and returned for confirmation.
Menu Path: Warehouse Inventory > Entry & Processing > Warehouse Inventory > Warehouse Administration > click Pick Pack List
Sort Order Options
The Print Pick Pack Lists page's Sort Order field determines the type of output - packing list or summary report - and the order for sorting the records included:
Packing List | Sorts by |
1 - Ship code,request,line | Shipping Code, then Request Number,and Line |
2 - Ship code,area,aisle | Shipping Code, then Area, Aisle, and Bin |
3 - Ship code,stock,request | Shipping Code, then Stock Number and Request Number |
4 - Ship code,request,stock | Shipping Code, then Request and Stock Number |
Summary Report | |
5 - Summary, by stock | Stock Number |
6 - Summary by area | Area, Aisle, then Bin |
Generating packing list reports
- Select Warehouse Inventory > Entry & Processing > Warehouse Inventory > Warehouse Administration to display the Warehouse Administration page.
- Select Pick Pack List to display the Print Pick Pack List page.
- Enter criteria in the Fill Date, Fill ID, Warehouse Code, and Request Number fields to identify the requests to include, and then click OK. For details, refer to the Fields section.
- In the Sort Order field, select the option for determining the output and sorting the records included. Options 1-4 select the pick pack list, while options 5-6, select the summary report.
- If you selected a packing list option in Step 4, use the Page break by request checkbox to determine whether the report should print a new page for each request record included in the report.
- Click OK.
- In the Include Comments dialog, click Yes if you would like to include request comments in the report.
- In the Print window, specify how to generate the report, and then click OK. The default file name is packlist.rpt for the packing list and sumpack.rpt for the summary report.
Fieid | Description |
Fill Date | Date to assign to the pick pack list or summary report. The default is the transaction date from the Fund Accounting Profile. If needed, you may enter a different date. |
Fill ID | Number identifying requests with line items that have been filled, as assigned in the Exception Fill or Fill Requests option. To include multiple IDs, insert the pipe symbol between numbers, for example, 125|132|140. Leave the field blank to reference all requests with filled line items. |
Warehouse Code | Code identifying the warehouse where the stock items that have been filled are stored. To include multiple codes, insert the pipe symbol between each, for example, 100|300|600. Leave the field blank to reference all filled items, regardless of where they are stored. |
Request Number | Number identifying an individual request. To include multiple requests, insert the pipe symbol between numbers, for example, 20180130|20180139|20180142. To include a range of requests, insert the colon symbol between the lowest and highest numbers in the range, for example, 20180001:20180020. Leave the field blank to reference all requests with filled line items. |
Sort Order | Determines whether to generate the pick pack list or summary report, and then order for sorting the items included. Select: 1 - Ship code,request,line The first four options generate the pick pack list, while the last two generate the summary report. |
Page break by request | Checkbox determining whether to include a page break at the end of each request's listing of items. Select the box to require page breaks. This field only applies if you select a packing list option (1-4) in the Sort Order field. |