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Request Approval Detail Page

Use this page to process approvals for the line items in a request selected in the main Request Approval page. The detail page displays all open line items associated with the selected request. In the detail page, you can:

  • View information for each line item, including its approval status, request and item numbers, stock description, quantity, total cost, and accounting distribution.
  • Approve or deny line items one at a time.
  • Approve or deny line items all at once.

Menu Path:  Warehouse Inventory > Entry & Processing > Warehouse Inventory > Approve Requests > search for and select a request > click OK

Action Bar Items

The Request Approval Detail page's Action Bar displays the following items when you access the page:


Approves a selected line item.


Denies a selected line item.

Approve All

Approves all line items displayed for the selected request.

Deny All

Denies all line items displayed for the selected request.


Cancels the approval action for a selected line item.


Completes approval actions for the listed line items and returns you to the main Request Approval page.


After you exit the detail page, you must still click Finish in the main Request Approval page to save your approval actions. If you fail to do this, all of your actions in both pages will be canceled for the current list of requests.

Status Indicators and Codes

Applying an approval action to a line item stored changes the code in the request's Status fields and also assigns an indicator to the untitled field to the left of the Status field. Following is a list of the indicators and codes that display in these fields in the Request Approval Detail page's List section:

Status Indicator

Status Code




Indicates the line item is awaiting approval.



Indicates the line item is approved.



Indicates the line item is denied.

Processing request line items in the Request Approval Detail page

  1. Select Warehouse Inventory > Entry & Processing > Warehouse Inventory > Approve Requests to display the Request Approval page.
  2. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.
  3. In the List section, select a request, and then click OK to display its line items in the Request Approval Detail page.
  4. To process a line item, select the item, and then click the desired Action Bar item. Repeat this for each line item as needed.
    For descriptions of the actions you can apply, refer to the Action Bar Items section above.
  5. You can cancel your actions in one of the following ways:
    • To cancel the action for an individual line item by selecting the item and then clicking Clear. This returns the item's status to Open.
    • To cancel all of your actions, click Back to return to the main Request Approval page.
  6. To save your actions, click Finish to return to the main Request Approval page, and then click Finish on the main page.
  7. To process the line items for another request, repeat Steps 3-6.
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