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Requisition and Purchase Order Processing - Requisition Approval Page

If a requisition generated through VPO requires approval, the requisition follows normal approval processing. If you use Advanced Workflows for purchasing approvals, refer to Advanced Workflow Purchase Requisitions.

If you do not use Advanced Workflows, it may require the Requisitions For Approval page. Before using this page, you must enter criteria in the Requisition Approval page to identify the requisitions you want. The system displays records based on the following factors:

  • The requisitions must meet the criteria you enter.
  • You must be eligible to display and process approvals for the requisition based on either approval group or account approval.
  • The system does not retrieve items that have already been approved, denied, or flagged for correction on the same level by you or other members of your approval group.
  • The system does not retrieve items that have been converted to bids or purchase orders.

Menu Path

From the Purchasing menu, select Entry & Processing. From the Requisition Processing menu, select Approve/Deny Requisitions. The page that opens is determined by your organization.

Search For and Display Requisitions

  1. After you select Approve/Deny Requisitions, if the Requisition Approval page opens, enter criteria identifying the requisitions.
    You can use query symbols in the page's Additional Approval Criteria section. For examples, refer to the Fields section.
  2. Click OK to display the search results in the Requisitions For Approval page. For details, refer to Requisitions For Approval Page.


Following are descriptions of the fields in the Requisition Approval page's Approval Criteria and Additional Approval Criteria sections.

Approval Criteria Section



Approval Criteria

Setting determining whether the system should return all requisitions you are eligible to approve or should limit the search to requisitions that have been approved at all levels lower than yours.


  • A - All Requisitions - Selects requisitions you are eligible to view and approve.
  • L - Approved at Lower Level - Limits the search to requisition items approved at levels lower than yours.


Checkbox determining whether the system should only retrieve requisition items that require your approval.

Select the field if you only want to see requisitions requiring your approval. Leave the field blank to retrieve requisitions where your approval is either required or optional.

Additional Approval Criteria Section

These fields allow using query symbols. For example, in the Requisition field:

  • 1700* matches all records with numbers starting with 1700.
  • 17000001|17000002|17000003 selects the three records specified.
  • 17000001:17000010 selects all records in this range.

All the fields are character based, except Requested, which accepts dates, and Year. In these fields, you can use numeric-based query symbols, such as greater than (>) and less than (<). For a range, you can use the colon ( : ) between dates, for example, 03/20/2019:04/10/2019.




Number identifying the requisition. 

Code identifying the requisition's approval group, as defined in Purchasing's Approval table. The field's title is defined in the Fund Accounting Profile.


Code for the vendor who usually supplies the requisition items, as defined in the Vendor List. You can use the field's Lookup button to search for and select a code.


Date the requisition was created.

Ship Code

Code identifying the destination where the purchased items should be delivered, as defined in Purchasing's Shipping Table.


Year that applies to the requisition. Requisitions generated from VPO can only be generated for the current year.

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