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Benefits Enrollment Setup

Use this selection on the Administration menu to set up benefit types for use in the Annual Benefits Enrollment task in Employee Access Center.

Add a Benefit Type

  1. Select Benefits Enrollment Setup from the Administration menu to display the Benefits Type Maintenance page.
  2. In the Benefit Type Code field beneath Add a New Benefit Type, enter a code to identify the benefit type. You may use up to four characters including letters and numbers.
  3. Click Next.
  4. In the Update Benefit Type page, complete the fields. For descriptions, refer to the Fields section.
  5. Click Next.
  6. In the Link Job Classes for Benefit Type page, select the boxes that apply. Use the Select All and Clear All buttons as needed.
  7. Click Next to display the Benefit Sub-Type Maintenance page.
  8. As needed, click the Add a New Sub-Type button to add a sub-type to the new benefit type. Complete the additional fields that display, and then click Save.
    Repeat this for each sub-type you need to add. You can also delete a sub-type by clicking Edit, > Delete > Yes.
  9. Click Finish to save the benefit type record.

Change a Benefit Type

  1. Select Benefits Enrollment Setup from the Administration menu to display the Benefits Type Maintenance page.
  2. In the Edit an Existing Benefit Type field, select the benefit type you want to change.
  3. Click Next.
  4. In the Update Benefit Type page, change the fields as needed.
  5. Click Next.
  6. In the Link Job Classes for Benefit Type page, select or clear boxes as needed.
  7. Click Next to display the Benefit Sub-Type Maintenance page. The page lists any existing sub-types for the current benefit type.
  8. As needed, click the Add a New Sub-Type button to add a sub-type to the benefit type. Complete the additional fields that display, and then click Save.
    Repeat this for each sub-type you need to add. You can also delete a sub-type by clicking Edit, > Delete > Yes.
  9. Click Finish to save your changes.

Delete a Benefit Type

  1. Select Benefits Enrollment Setup from the Administration menu to display the Benefits Type Maintenance page.
  2. In the Edit an Existing Benefit Type field, select the benefit type you want to change.
  3. Click Delete.
  4. In the confirmation dialog, click Yes to delete the benefit type and any sub-types associated with it.


Benefits Type Maintenance Page



Edit an Existing Benefit Type

Select a benefit type from the list of existing benefit type records.

Benefit Type Code

If you are adding a benefit type, enter a previously unused code in this field. You can use up to four characters, including letters, numbers, or a combination of the two.

Update Benefit Type Page




Enter a title describing the benefit type, for example, HEALTH CARE or 401K.

Employee Enters Annual Amount?

Select this checkbox if the employee can enter a specific annual amount for the benefit. This can be used if a weekly or monthly amount applies, though the employee will need instructions on determining the total for a year.

Minimum Deduction Amount (Annual)

Enter the smallest amount that can be deducted annually for a benefit.

Maximum Deduction Amount (Annual)

Enter the largest amount that can be deducted annually for a benefit.

Order Shown

Select a number from 1 to 50 indicating the location of the benefit type in the listing of benefits.

Link Job Classes for Benefit Type Page



Job Class Checkboxes

Select a box to link the job class indicated to the benefit type record. These checkboxes enable you to include or exclude benefits for certain employees based on their job classes.

  • Use Select All to select all checkboxes. You can then clear boxes individually to remove certain job classes.
  • Use Clear All to clear all checkboxes.

Benefit Sub-Type Maintenance Page



Plan Title

Enter the title of the plan, for example, Supplemental Coverage.

Coverage Group

Enter the name of the coverage group where this sub-type would apply.

Because the Plan Title and Coverage Group combine to identify the sub-type, do not modify either field. If you want to change these fields while updating a sub-type, enter a new sub-type instead using the appropriate Plan Title-Coverage Group combination. As needed, you can then delete the original record.

Associated Deduction

From the field's drop-down list, select the deduction that applies to this sub-type. The listing includes records from the Deductions table in PowerSchool ERP.

Show For

Determines whether the sub-type should display based on an employee's full-time or part-time status.


Part Time - If the sub-type only applies to part-time employees.
Full Time - If the sub-type only applies to full-time employees.
Both - If the sub-type applies to both part-time and full-time employees.

Deduction No Longer Used

Select the checkbox to set the sub-type's status to inactive.

New Hire Active Date

Determines when the sub-type should be available relative to a newly-hired employee's active date.


Immediately - The sub-type would become available as soon as its record is saved.
Date of Hire - The sub-type would become available as of the hiring date.
1st of Next Month - The sub-type would become available on the first day of the month following the hiring date.
30 Days After Hire - The sub-type would become available 30 days after the hiring date.
Wait for Paperwork - The sub-type would become available once all other paperwork related to hiring is completed.
No Midyear Enrollment - The sub-type would only be available during the annual open enrollment period.

Associated Question Set

Identifies the question set tied to the sub-type. Select the question set's code from the drop-down list.

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