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Caution and Restrictions

The third-party provider has agreed that the applicant tracking system package will provide the ability to extract data for hired employees into files in the format defined above and transfer the file to the server designated by the site.

It is assumed that files exported from the third-party application will contain codes used by the customer in PowerSchool ERP for table-verified fields. The PowerSchool programmer will work with third-party vendor personnel as needed to facilitate this. If the file cannot be produced with the expected PowerSchool ERP codes, modifications to the interface to provide a "crosswalk" of the External applicant data will be required – an estimate for the technical services required will be sent for the customer's approval.

If changes are made to the common code tables used by the third-party applicant tracking system and PowerSchool ERP after the initial load, the customer will be responsible to make corresponding updates in the third-party applicant tracking system or PowerSchool ERP table to assure they are consistent.

Running the interface does not eliminate all data entry in the PowerSchool ERP database, but reduces manual entry, limiting it to data not transferred from the third-party applicant tracking system. Employee information will still need to be entered by the user in Human Resources to change the employee's status from pending.

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