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Create Custom Links

Use this selection on the Administration menu to set up links in Employee Access Center for employees to use to access your organization's intranet as well as resources on the intranet.

The Custom Link Maintenance page includes a list of existing links that you can edit. The page also provides a button for displaying fields to set up a new link.

The links you create display at the bottom of the Employee Tasks menu. When a user clicks a link, the destination website displays in a new tab on the user's browser.

  1. Select Create Custom Links from the Administration menu.
  2. In the Custom Link Maintenance page, complete the fields. For details, refer to the Fields section below.
  3. Click Save.
  1. Select Create Custom Links from the Administration menu.
  2. In the Custom Link Maintenance page, click Edit for the link you want to change. The link's fields display on the right-hand side of the page.
  3. Change the fields as needed.
  4. Click Save.
  1. Select Create Custom Links from the Administration menu.
  2. In the Custom Link Maintenance page, click Edit for the link you want to delete. The link's fields display on the right-hand side of the page.
  3. Click Delete.
  4. In the confirmation dialog, click Yes to delete the link.




System-assigned number identifying the link.


Enter a title or description of the link.


Enter the link's full URL (Uniform Resource Locator) address. The standard format for addresses is followed by any paths or filenames required for reaching a particular location or file at the target website. When you are adding a new address, the field displays http:// by default.

Rather than type the full address, you may find it easier to visit the site, copy its URL address from the address field in your browser, and then paste it into the Link field.


Enter text to identify the element in PowerSchool ERP that relates to the link. Optional.

Source Field

Select the field from the drop-down list that relates to the parameter. The list's selections are taken from the fields in the General section and Employment tab of PowerSchool ERP's Employee Information page.

You cannot select and save a source field if the Parameter field is blank. To remove a source field, select the blank from the drop-down list.

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