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Deduction Frequencies

Use this selection on the Administration menu to define the number of times deduction frequencies are taken per year. Deduction frequencies are used in Employee Access Center's Annual Benefits Enrollment and New Hire Benefits Enrollment processes.

Adding deduction frequencies

  1. Select Deduction Frequencies from the Administration menu to display the Deduction Frequency Maintenance page.
  2. Click Add a New Deduction Frequency.
  3. Complete the Frequency, Title, and Times Taken Per Year fields that display on the right-hand side of the page.
  4. Click Save.

Changing deduction frequencies

  1. Select Deduction Frequencies from the Administration menu to display the Deduction Frequency Maintenance page.
  2. Click Edit for the deduction frequency you want to change.
  3. Change the values in the Frequency, Title, and Times Taken Per Year fields as needed.
  4. Click Save.

Deleting deduction frequencies

  1. Select Deduction Frequencies from the Administration menu to display the Deduction Frequency Maintenance page.
  2. Click Edit for the deduction frequency you want to delete.
  3. Click Delete.
  4. At the delete confirmation prompt, click Yes to delete the record.





Enter a one-character code to identify the deduction frequency, using a letter or number. Character/1


Enter a title describing the deduction frequency. Character/25

Times Taken Per Year

Enter the number of times the deduction can be taken in a year. For example, a weekly deduction would be taken 52 times; a bi-weeklydeduction, 26 times. Integer/3

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