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Employee Add Setup Item

Use this action bar item in the Human Resources Profile page to set the order in which employee pages display during the Add Employee procedure and in the Pending Employee Center. In addition to defining the page order, you can:

  • Determine the employee pages that must be completed when an employee record is being created. These pages are designated as Required.

  • Assign roles to pages to group them according to the personnel who will be using them. Standard roles include Payroll and Personnel. Others can be defined in the Role Setup table in Human Resources.

  • Set up the add process to allow users to save an employee record after saving only one page (Base Employee Information). In this case, the system designates the employee as Pending, and the additional pages can be completed in the Pending Employee Center. Pending employees can be paid and accrue leave, as long as pages tied to these functions are completed.

Menu Path

From the System Administration menu, select Administration. From the Profiles menu select Human Resources Profile. From the action bar, select Employee Add Setup.

Employee Page Overview

Following are brief descriptions of the standard pages that display in the Employee Add Screen Setup page. Your system may include additional pages, depending on whether you have any pages that are user-defined or custom programmed.

Base Employee Information

Basic employee data, such as name, ID and Social Security numbers, birth date, department, and home and email addresses. This page must be first in the add sequence. Also, it is the only page that cannot be omitted.

Personnel Information

Basic personnel data, such as Workers' Compensation code, demographic information, emergency contacts, and Equal Employment Opportunity codes.


Information needed for processing pay runs, such as timecard and FLSA calculation settings, pay frequency, federal, state, and local tax data, and special pay amounts, if applicable.

Pay Rates

Data for calculating an employee's pay. Much of this information comes from the Job Class code assigned to the primary pay rate. If appropriate, you can set up additional duties. You can also assign positions, if you use Position Control.


Individual deduction and benefit records that apply to an employee. Each deduction is added in a separate instance of the Deductions page.

Leave Banks

Leave codes and accompanying accrual amounts that apply to an employee.


Earnings and tax information. Completion of this page is usually not necessary, unless you are adding information for someone who moved within the current tax year.


Retirement and other reporting information required by your state.

Job Skills/ Other Interests

Codes identifying an employee's job skills and relevant outside interests.

Job Class History

Current and previous job classes assigned to an employee. The page also stores percentage changes that have been applied to an employee's primary pay rate.

Degree Information

Educational history in terms of the academic degrees earned by an employee.


Certifications, licenses, and other credentials earned by an employee.


Job assignments performed by an employee, including the percentage of time spent on each assignment. In school districts, this information is used in EEO-5 reports.

EAC/ETS Password

Add or edit a password for the employee to use to log in to Employee Access Center (EAC) or Employee Timesheets (ETS) if your organization uses those applications.

Setup Considerations

While the Add Employee procedure allows considerable flexibility, there are several things you need to understand to make data entry easier for those who will be adding new employees:

Sequence for Employee Pages

You are free to set up pages in any order you wish, with two exceptions:

  • The Base Employee Information page must always be the first page in the Add Employee process.

  • The Pay Rates page should be before the Deductions and Leave Bank pages. For additional information on this, refer to the next sub-section.
    These restrictions aside, you can use two criteria for deciding the best order to display pages during the Add process:

  • Review the list of pages and consider ordering them by system functions. For example, it may make sense to group payroll-related pages first, followed by the personnel data page. Within each grouping, set up the pages in some logical order within these larger functions.

  • The second criteria is your users. If one or two people are responsible for adding employees, then the system-based approach would be ideal. However, if more than two people enter records and are only able to complete pages related to their specific functions, then you may want to consider additional groupings. For details on this approach, refer to the Grouping Pages by Roles sub-section.
    You may have other criteria to take into account, depending on the responsibilities of users, the way your departments are structured, and similar considerations. Before setting up the order, you also may want to consult with the appropriate department heads and key users on what would best serve their requirements regarding workflow, record-keeping, and data entry.

Job Class Default Deductions and Leave Codes

If deduction and leave bank information should default to employee records based on the employees' primary pay rate Job Class codes, you need to arrange the page order so that Pay Rates is before the Deductions and Leave Banks pages. This enables the system to know which job class to reference for pulling default values.

Also, if you use default deductions and leave codes, we recommend you designate the Pay Rates, Deductions, and Leave Banks pages as Required. The system only adds the default codes during the Add Employee procedure.

Group Pages by Roles

The Employee Add Setup page Type column fields categorize pages according to the types of personnel who will be using them. This feature enables you to restrict access to employee add pages based on user roles.

If, for example, you have Payroll and Personnel departments and users will be responsible for pages specific to their department functions, you can use the Type column 1 - Payroll and 2 - Personnel selections to categorize these pages. To assign users accordingly, navigate to the User Setup page. From System Administration, select Administration/All, select Add Employee Process, and then select User Setup. During the Add Employee process, users designated for Payroll will only be able to access pages for Payroll. Similarly, Personnel users will be restricted to Personnel pages.

Navigate to the Human Resources Role Setup table to create additional categories. From System Administration, select Administration/All, select Add Employee Process, and then select Role Setup. These categories appear in drop-down lists in both the Employee Add Setup page's Type column and User Setup table's Role field. For example, if you add a record in the Role Setup table with the title Benefits, this selection will be available in the Employee Add Setup Screen page's Type column when you set up your Human Resources pages. Users who have the Benefits category assigned in the User Setup table will then be restricted to Benefits pages, unless they have more than one role defined.

This categorization also affects users in the Pending Employee Center, which accesses records for employees whose required pages are not completed. The center lists the pages according to the roles that have been assigned to them. Users can only access pages associated with their assigned roles.

Omit Employee Pages

The Employee Add Setup Screen page Type column also enables you to omit pages that you do not need. In addition to standard and user-defined (Role Setup table) selections, the drop-down list for each field includes a blank. Assigning the blank to a page prevents the page from displaying during the Add Employee process. For example, if you do not need to track employee skills and interests, you can omit the Job Skills/Other Interests page by selecting the blank in the Type field.

Besides being able to omit standard pages, you can assign a blank in the Type column for any user-defined pages that you no longer use or plan to use sometime in the future. If needed, you can activate or re-activate a page at any time by assigning one of the Type field's other selections. You can also assign roles to user-defined pages, the same as with standard pages.

Do not omit any of the pages required for processing employees' pay. These include Payroll, Pay Rates, Leave Banks, Deductions, and Personnel Information. The Base Employee Information page is also referenced during pay runs, but this page cannot be omitted.

Set Up the Page Sequence for the Add Employee Procedure

  1. Select System Administration > Administration > Profiles > Human Resources Profile, and then click Employee Add Setup to display the Employee Add Screen Setup Page.

  2. To designate a page as Required, select it, and then click Required.

    • If a page is already marked as Required, clicking Required removes the designation.

    • You cannot remove the Required designation for the Base Employee Information page.
      Keep in mind that all required pages and required fields must be completed during the Add process to add the employee's records to the database. If not, the employee is designated as Pending. The required information can then be completed using the Pending Employee Center in Human Resources.

  3. In the Type column, select the category that applies to the page. The default selections include:

    • 1 - Payroll: The page is completed by Payroll users.

    • 2 - Personnel: The page is completed by Personnel users.

    • Blank: The page is omitted from the Add Employee process and Pending Employee Center.

  4. Additional selections may appear if categories have been created in the Human Resources' Role Setup table. These categories enable you to assign roles to pages in the Add process and designate the employees who use them.

  5. Use the Move Up and Move Down items to arrange the employee pages in the order that best suits your data entry needs. If you categorize pages by roles, you may want to group them together in a logical order.

  6. Click Accept.

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