Finding Resource Codes
To grant or revoke a user's access to a specific PowerSchool ERP menu option, you must know the appropriate resource code. You may need multiple codes in a case where the option is in a sub-menu. The following procedure describes how to find this information:
Using the main menu in PowerSchool ERP, find the menu option you want the user to access, and note its menu path. For example, the menu path for the Deductions table in Human Resources would be: Human Resources, Reference Tables, Payroll, then Deductions
From the System Administration menu, select Administration. From the Reference Tables menu, select Menu Items. The list mirrors the menu structure in PowerSchool ERP.
Find the option you want by following the menu path you captured. Expand an application and display its initial options, and then do the same to drill down to the option you want.
When you find the desired option, select it. The option information will display in the Menu Item Information section, including the Package and Subpackage. This will help you find the option in the tables that follow.
On the action bar, click Security Resources to display the Associated Resources window. The window displays a list of security resources associated with the option, as well as descriptions of their functions.
Find the appropriate resource code to add to the user security record.
Click OK to close the window, and then click Back to close the Menu Items window.
For information on adding resources to a user security record, refer to User Access.