Fund Accounting State Window Item
Use this Action Bar item in the Fund Accounting Profile page to define the sort order, totaling, and page breaks for detail reports in the Fund Accounting and Budget Preparation systems. The parameters you set up here will apply to report options that include the Sort item.
The State Window page lets you customize these detail reports based on your Organization Chart reporting levels, project accounting levels, and account subtotal structure. For example, if your reporting structure has five levels, you might want your reports to provide totals and page breaks at Level 3.
The Sort item in Fund Accounting and Budget Preparation report pages allows you to change the default settings from the State Window page, if needed. The changes only apply to the report you are currently printing and do not affect the default settings for subsequent reports.
Menu Path: System Administration > Administration > Profiles > Fund Accounting Profile >click State Window
Defining the default sort order, totaling, and page breaks for detail reports
- Select System Administration > Administration > Profiles > Fund Accounting Profile, and then click State Window to display the State Window Page.
- In the page's Financial Accounting, Budget Preparation, Project - Financial Accounting, and Project - Budget Preparation sections:
- Use the Sort First By field to select the primary Organization Chart, Account List, or Project List level for sorting detail reports.
- Use the Total? and Page Break? checkboxes to indicate whether the detail reports should provide totals and page breaks based on the level you chose as the primary sort.
- Use the Sort Then By fields to determine lower priority Organization Chart, Account List, or Project List levels for sorting.
- To save the report settings, click OK.