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Importing Applicant files

Employee Information Page

To load applicant data files, the user selects the Load External Applicants icon on the Employee Information page, which displays the Load External Applicants page (Human Resources > Employee Information > Employee Information > Load External Applicant).

Load External Applicants Page

The Load External Applicants page enables users to determine the processing options to use and select the files to load. The employee records will be imported with the status Add Pending, allowing the user to enter the remaining data in the Pending Employee Center (for the menu path, refer to the previous Menu Paths section).

The page includes the following functionalities:

  • Provides icons for selecting import files from the user's personal computer or shared drive.
  • Verifies that the import files exist.
  • Provides an option for overriding imported start/hire dates with a uniform hire date.
  • Provides access to the Interface Setup page. To display the page, click the Setup icon.



Override Start/ Hire Date

Select the checkbox to provide a uniform hire date for all loaded employees. Required field.

Start/Hire Date (first workday)

This field will be inactive initially. If the Override checkbox is selected, this field will be required for entering the desired Start/Hire Date. The entered date will override the Hire Date and Original Hire Date in the import file.

Basic Employee Data File

Click the paper icon to display a Windows Explorer window and navigate to the directory where the file is located. Required field.

Education Data File

Click the paper icon to display a Windows Explorer window and navigate to the directory where the file is located.


The interface program reads the import file and stores the records in a temporary work file. The program then verifies the data as described in the File Layout section.

  • For verified fields with values that cannot be validated by the appropriate reference table in Human Resources or by a list of standard codes, the program will change the field value to the default or a "blank" and write a Warning message to the Load Summary report.
  • For fields that contain values that would result in data insert errors, such as duplicate index values, the program will write Error messages to the Load Summary report and indicate the records could not be imported.
    Once imported, applicant records cannot be updated to correct Warning and Error conditions. However, if needed, the user can delete the pending employee records, correct the applicant files, and re-load them.

Error Handling

After the Load External Applicants program processes the import file, a Confirmation window appears indicating whether any warnings or errors were reported. The window also displays a prompt asking the user whether to update the database by adding the imported records.

  • If the user clicks Process, the imported records will be saved to the appropriate applicant tables.
  • If the user clicks Cancel, the records will not be saved. The user can correct the errors if possible and re-run the import. Records with errors cannot be loaded. Once the file is error-free, the user can click Process at the final prompt to import the records.

The program produces a Load Summary report detailing any errors and warnings. For a sample of the report and a list of the messages that can be generated, refer to the Load Summary Report section.

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