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Local System Options Tab

The Human Resources Profile's Local System Options tab lets you set up numbering for employee and applicant records, and create field labels to apply throughout Human Resources. The tab also contains settings controlling:

  • Method for recording employee attendance.
  • Security for accessing employee Social Security and bank account numbers.
  • Format for masking Social Security and bank account numbers as a security measure.
  • Interface of net payroll, worker's compensation, and vendor charges to Fund Accounting.
  • Default sort order for the Payroll Journal generated during a pay run.
  • Default EEO report setting for employee records.
  • Use of history records for positions and position rates.


System Options Section




Checkbox determining how employee attendance is entered.

  • Select the checkbox to allow entry of attendance and leave information through either timecards or the Human Resources Attendance option.
  • Leave the checkbox blank if attendance and leave information should only be entered through the Attendance option.

Disable Auto Dock

Checkbox determining whether automated docking should occur when attendance is posted to timecards.

  • Select the checkbox to prevent automated docking for an attendance record posted to timecard that was entered for a leave code set to charge as leave without pay and the calendar validation was disabled.
  • Leave the checkbox blank to generate automated docking for attendance entered for a leave code set to charge as leave without pay regardless of the calendar validation setting.

Worker's Compensation Charging

Checkbox determining whether worker's compensation charges are interfaced to the Fund Accounting System. Select the checkbox if worker's compensation should be interfaced. Otherwise, leave it blank.

Create Vendor Payments

Checkbox determining whether the system creates vendor payments during payroll processing for taxes and employer-paid benefits. The vendor payments are sent to a batch file accessed through Fund Accounting's Batch Accounts Payables option.

To enable automatic creation of vendor payments, select the checkbox. Otherwise, leave the checkbox blank.

Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accruals

Setting determining if your organization will be processing summer pay fiscal year accruals.


  • E - Encumbrance Only - Summer pay fiscal year accruals will be processed for employees using only payroll and benefit encumbrances.
  • P - Encumbrance and Personnel Flag - Summer pay fiscal year accruals will be processed for employees that have the Include in Summer Accruals checkbox on their personnel tab of Employee Information selected, in addition to using payroll and benefit encumbrances.
  • N - Not Using - Your organization is not processing summer pay fiscal year accruals.

EEO Report Default

Setting determining the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Report type that applies to your employees. Your selection determines the default setting in the Personnel Information page's EEO Reported field during the Add Employee procedure. It also limits the field's selections based on whether your organization is a school, municipality, or one that uses PowerSchool ERP to track both school and municipal employees.


  • N - Not Reported - Neither EEO Report type applies. The EEO Reported field does not appear when adding employees.
  • 4 - EEO4 - Municipality EEO Report is used. The EEO4 report type can be assigned when adding employees.
  • 5 - EEO5 - School EEO Report is used. The EEO5 report type can be assigned when adding employees.
  • B - Both EEO4/EEO5 - You have both education and municipal employees. When adding an employee, you can select either the EEO4 or EEO5 report type, depending on which one applies.

Employee Security Zone

Setting indicating the security method used for controlling employee access to the following features in Human Resources:

  • Posting attendance records through the Human Resources' Employee Information and Attendance options. Also printing and viewing information on the Attendance and Substitute Reports.
  • Working with employee timecards in Pay Run Processing.
  • Using other options that access pay-related data. These include Employee Deductions, Earnings by Pay Code, Check History, and Pay Rate History.
  • Printing and viewing information on reports that are accessed through Human Resources > Reports > Time Entry menu. All options in this menu use the Employee Security Zone setting with the exceptions of the Workers' Comp Rate Study, which is not tied to a specific employee, and the Savings Bond Purchase, which also generates a magnetic media file. The Savings Bond Purchase option requires a separate security resource. Any user with that resource or a resource equal to or higher than supervisor will be able to generate this report and magnetic media for all employees, regardless of the Employee Security Zone setting.
  • Printing and viewing information on reports that are accessed through Human Resources > Reports > Time Entry menu. All options in this menu use the Employee Security Zone setting.
  • Printing and viewing information on reports that are accessed through Human Resources > Reports > Personnel menu. All options in this menu use the Employee Security Zone setting with the exception of the EEO Data, which is used to submit information to the government. The EEO Data option requires a separate security resource. Any user with that resource or a resource equal to or higher than supervisor will be able to generate this report for all employees, regardless of the Employee Security Zone setting.
  • Printing and viewing information on reports that are accessed through Human Resources > Reports > Periodic menu. All options in this menu use the Employee Security Zone setting with the exception of the 941 Quarterly Federal Tax Return, which is used to submit information to the government. The 941 Quarterly Federal Tax Return option requires a separate security resource. Any user with that resource or a resource equal to or higher than supervisor will be able to generate this report for all employees, regardless of the Employee Security Zone setting.
  • Printing and viewing information on reports that are accessed through Human Resources > Reports > Position Control > Batch Status Detail and Status Detail. A line will print for all employees, but a message NO SECURITY will display for the employees that the user does not have access to based on the Employee Security Zone setting. This is necessary to give an accurate FTE count.

Reports generated for substitutes will use the Employee Security Zone setting for the employee that the substitute is working for.

Security in PowerSchool ERP is based on one of two fields in System Administration's Users table: Department Access or Location Access. In the Employee Security Zone field, you can determine which of these should be used to control security.


  • N - No Checking - Security is not used for Human Resources' features.
  • D - Department - Security is based on the Department Access field in the Users table.
  • L - Location - Security is based on the Location Access field in the Users table.

Auto Assign Employee

Checkbox determining how Employee Numbers are assigned when new employee records are added.

  • For system-assigned Employee Numbers, select the checkbox, and then complete the next Employee Start Number and Employee Increment fields.
  • To allow your users to assign Employee Numbers, leave the checkbox blank.

Employee Start Number

Next available Employee Number, if you use the auto-assign feature. This field is required if you selected the Auto Assign Employee checkbox.

When you first set up the Human Resources Profile to auto-assign Employee Numbers, you will enter the appropriate number to use as the starting point. The system uses this number for the next employee added to your database. After the record is added, the Employee Start Number is incremented based on the Employee Increment field.

If you decide to start a new sequence of employee numbering after you already have a sequence in place, take care not to overlap with numbers that have already been used.

Employee Increment

Number the system will add to the Employee Start Number each time an employee record is created. This field is required if you selected the Auto Assign Employee checkbox.

Reset Employee Number on Delete

Checkbox determining whether an Employee ID is released when an employee is deleted, allowing the Employee ID to be used for another employee.

  • Select the checkbox to allow the Employee ID of a deleted employee to be reused for another employee.
  • Leave it blank to prevent the creation of multiple employees with the same Employee ID if an employee is deleted.

The Reset Employee Number on Delete field is:

  • Disabled by default for the districts using PowerSchool ERP to Unified Talent integration. It cannot be enabled.
  • Enabled by default for the districts who do not use PowerSchool ERP to Unified Talent integration. It can be disabled by the administrator.

Pay Code Drop-Down List in Edit Employee Time

Checkbox determining whether the system should provide a drop-down or Lookup button for selecting pay codes in the Edit Employee Time option in Pay Run Processing.

  • Select the checkbox to provide a drop-down button in the Edit Employee Time's Pay Code field. A drop-down field displays the list of all records in a table.
  • Leave the field blank to provide a Lookup button. A lookup field accesses a page for querying and selecting a record from the table.

Use Drop-Down Lists in Employee Pay Rates

Select if job class, pay code, calendar and position fields on the pay rate pages of Human Resources should display as a dropdown to select the value instead of table help.

Net Pay Charging

Checkbox determining whether net payroll charges are interfaced to the Fund Accounting Automated Payroll Interface option when payroll is processed, manual checks are issued, paychecks are voided, or a refund is issued.

Select the checkbox to enable the interface of net payroll charges to Fund Accounting. To disable this interface, clear the checkbox.

Default SSN

Checkbox determining whether the system defaults the Employee Number in the Social Security Number field during the Add Employee procedure. Select the checkbox to use the Employee Number as a default Social Security Number. Otherwise, leave it blank.

If you use system-assigned employee numbering, make sure the Default SSN checkbox is not selected.

SSN Masking Method

Selection controlling access to employees' Social Security and bank account numbers in Human Resources, in combination with the security resources assigned through System Administration. This field also affects access to employees' and dependents' Social Security numbers in Employee Benefits. However, it does not prevent users from entering these numbers when adding employees in Human Resources.


  • H - Hide Social Security Number - Hides Social Security and Bank Account fields from users in data entry and search pages, as well as reports, if they do not have the proper security resources.
  • M - Mask Social Security Number using XXX-XX-9999 - Hides the leading characters in Social Security and bank account numbers in displays and reports, so only the last four can be viewed by users who do not have the proper security resources.

Leaving the field blank has the same effect as M - Mask Social Security Number using XXX-XX-9999.

Pay Journal Sort Order

Setting determining the sort order for the Payroll Journal when it is printed automatically through the Run All Activities option during a pay run.


  • C - Check Location - Sort based on Check Location from employee's Payroll record.
  • O - Department - Sort based on employee's Department.
  • N - Name - Sort based on employee's last name.
  • Blank - You do not use the Run All Activities feature to process the Payroll Job Stream automatically.

Net Pay Account

Account code to credit for net payroll charges interfaced to Fund Accounting. This must be a liability account from the Account List. This field is required if you selected the Net Pay Charging checkbox.

Rate & Position History

Checkbox determining whether the system should retain history records for positions and position pay rates in the Position Control System. Select the checkbox to retain these history records. If you do not want to keep position and position rate histories, leave the checkbox blank.

Auto Assign Applicant

Checkbox determining how Applicant IDs are assigned when new applicant records are added.

  • For system-assigned Applicant IDs, select the checkbox, then complete the next two fields.
  • To allow your users to assign Applicant IDs, leave the checkbox blank.

Applicant Start Number

Next available Applicant ID, if you use the auto-assign feature. This field is required if you selected the Auto Assign Applicant checkbox.

When you first set up the Human Resources Profile to auto-assign Applicant IDs, you will enter the appropriate number to use as the starting point. The system uses this number for the next applicant added to your database. After the record is added, the Applicant Start Number is incremented based on the Applicant Increment field.

If you decide to start a new sequence of applicant numbering after you already have a sequence in place, take care not to overlap with numbers that have already been used.

Applicant Increment

Number the system will add to the Applicant Start Number each time an applicant record is created. This field is required if you selected the Auto Assign Applicant checkbox.

Hide Gender IdentityCheckbox determining whether the system displays the Gender Identity field on Human Resources pages.
Gender LabelEnter a label to be used for the employee gender field. The default is Sex at Birth.

Default Titles Section



Low Organization

Title used for the lowest level in the Organization Chart reporting structure. This title will be used throughout Human Resources in pages and on reports. Character/15

Low Project

Title used for the lowest level in the Project List reporting structure. This title will be used throughout Human Resources in pages and on reports. Character/15

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