From most screens in the app, tap the Navigation icon in the top left corner. Tap the icon again to toggle between grid or list view.
Tap the icon to display. The list that follows includes all options that can be displayed on the menu. Which options display depends on the district configuration.
Displays district news, resources, notifications, and quick links to submit a leave request, view the user's last paycheck, and review profile.
Deductions & Benefits.
Displays deductions and benefits information. Allows the user to enter a new direct deposit deduction.
Employee Directory.
Displays the Employee Directory for the district.
Displays the Leave Banks. Allows users to add a new leave request. Allows users to view leave in a monthly calendar form.
Displays the district's news.
Displays PLUS 360 alerts with an indicator of unread notifications.
Paycheck History.
Displays the user's paycheck history for dates specified by the district.
View and make changes to the user's contact information, emergency contacts, and physician information. Set electronic consent for W2 and 1095 forms.
Displays links to other resources the district determines may be helpful.
Salary & Benefits.
Displays the user's salary and benefits information. Display-only.
Tax Withholdings.
Displays the user's federal, state, and local tax information. Display-only.
Displays PDFs of current and past year W2s for years specified by the district.
Change Password.
Allows the user to enter a new password. (Only available if the district is not using Active Directory.)
Logs the user out of the app and returns them to the Login screen.
Display Deductions & Benefits
Tap Deductions & Benefits.
A list of your deductions and benefits appears.
Tap the deduction to see detail.
Add Direct Deposit Deduction
Tap Deductions & Benefits.
Tap on the Deductions & Benefits screen.
Fill in the information for the new direct deposit deduction.
When the required fields have been completed, tap Save.
Use the Employee Directory
Tap Employee Directory.
To search for an employee, type their name, department, or location into the search bar. Results filter as you type.
Tap on an employee's name to display details.
To call or text an employee, tap on their phone number.
To email an employee, tap their email address to open your device's email client.
Display Leave Bank and Calendar
Tap Leave.
The Leave Bank list appears. This displays the leave banks from your employee record and the Earned YTD, Taken YTD, and Balance for each. It also displays Pending Leave requests.
Tap Calendar to display the Leave Calendar view.
Tap a calendar day with an indicator (dot) to display details of type of leave requested or taken on that day.
Tap Leave Bank to return to the list.
Display Pending Leave Requests
Tap Leave.
The Leave Bank list appears. The Pending Leave section displays leave requests that have a status of Open, Need Correction, Denied, or Approved.
Tap a status to display the leave requests.
From the Pending Leave screen, tap a request to display the Leave Request Detail screen.
If a request needs correction, you can make corrections from the Leave Request Detail screen. Tap to submit your corrections.
Depending on your district's configuration and pending leave type, on the Leave Request Detail screen, tap the to cancel the request. Alternatively, you can swipe left on the Pending Leave screen to cancel a leave request.
Submit Leave Request
Tap Submit Leave Request on the Home screen, or tap Leave and tap Add.
Enter the leave request information.
Tap Save. Once the Leave Request has been submitted, it appears in the Pending Leave section of the Leave Bank screen and on the Leave Calendar. Tap to display details.
Display News
When on the Home screen, the most recent news item appears. Tap on the item to display detail information.
To display all news items, tap News from the Navigation menu.
News items appear from newest to oldest, per the effective date.
When on the Home screen, the View Notifications item displays the number of unread notifications, as well as information on the most recent unread notification. Tap on the item to display details. If there is only one unread notification, you will be taken to the detail information for that notification. If there is more than one unread notification, you will be taken to the notification listing.
From the Navigation menu, tap Notifications to display the Notifications screen.
Unread notifications appear with a closed envelope icon. Read notifications appear with an open envelope.
On the Notifications screen you can tap on a notification to display details. You can also swipe left to delete the Notification from this screen.
When Notification details are displayed, you can delete the notification or return to the notifications listing, at which point the notification will be marked as read.
Display Paychecks
When on the Home screen, the View Your Last Paycheck item will display your most recent paycheck information. Tap on the item to display a PDF copy of the paycheck.
To display all paychecks, tap Paycheck History on the Navigation menu.
A list of your paychecks appears, from newest to oldest for dates specified by your district.
Tap a check date to display a PDF copy of the check in your device's PDF viewer.
Update Profile
On the Home screen, tap Review Profile to access the Profile screen. On the menu, Tap Profile to display the Profile screen.
To change Contact information, tap Edit in the Contact Information section.
On the Edit Contact Information screen, you can update your existing employee information. Required fields are marked with a red asterisk. If your district has not configured a field to be edited on the app, you will not be able to access the field.
The Email, Home Phone, and Cell Phone fields have a Listed in Employee Directory toggle below the fields. Turn toggle on to display the field to other employees in the Employee Directory. Toggle them off to not appear in the Employee Directory. The fields will default to not appear in the directory. If you switch a toggle on or off, be sure to tap Save to save changes.
The Effective Date field determines when you would like the updates to take effect. It defaults to today's date, which can be changed.
Tap Save to save changes. Updates made will be posted to the employee's record after review by the district. If there are updates pending approval, a message indicating this appears at the top of the screen.
To change Emergency Contact or Physician Information, tap Edit in the respective sections. Update fields as necessary and tap Save. You can chose a date for the changes to take effect in the Effective Date field. Changes made will be posted to employees records after review by the Human Resources Department.
Update Electronic Forms Consent
On the Home screen, tap Review Profile to access the Profile screen. On the menu, Tap Profile to display the Profile screen.
To change the way you receive W2 and 1095 forms, tap Edit in the Electronic Forms Consent section.
The toggle will be switched on automatically, which indicates that your forms will be printed by the district and distributed to you. Switching the toggles off indicates that you will access your forms electronically through EAC.
Tap Save.
Display Additional District Resources
On the Home screen, tap Resources to open the displayed link.
To view all district resources, tap Resources on the Navigation screen.
A list of district-defined resources appears. Tap on a title to open the resource link.
Display Salary & Benefits
Tap Salary & Benefits.
Your Compensation Detail, Salary, and Benefits Detail Annualized information appear. These fields are display-only.
Display Tax Information
Tap Tax Withholdings.
Your Federal, State, and Local tax information appear. These fields are display-only.
Display W2s
Tap W2.
A list of W2 forms appears. This can include current and past W2s, depending on your district configuration.
Tap on a year to display a PDF version of your W2 form.
Change Password for App
Tap Change Password.
Enter your current password in the Old Password field.
Enter your new password in the New Password field, and again in the Confirm Password field.
Tap Save. As long as the new password and confirmation are the same and the new password meets length and complexity requirements, your password is changed. This also changes the password for your EAC login.
Log out of App
Tap Logout.
You will be logged out of the app and returned to the Login screen.
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