Package and Subpackage Abbreviations
Package and subpackage combinations are active unless indicated in the Not supported column.
Package and subpackage | Description | Not supported |
AR | Accounts Receivable | |
BEN | Benefits | |
BEN/EXPORT | Export Tool for Benefits | |
BEN/IMPORT | Import Tool for Benefits | |
BNK/FAM | Bank Account Security in Fund Accounting | |
BUD | Budget Preparation | |
BUD/EXPORT | Export Tool for Budget Preparation | |
BUD/IMPORT | Import Tool for Budget Preparation | |
BUD/PBS | Personnel Budgeting | |
BUD/WBP | Web Budget - PBS | No longer supported |
BUD/WBR | Web Budget Requests | No longer supported |
CRN | Cognos Reporting | |
CRN/ADMIN | Cognos Reporting Administrator | |
CRN/AUTHOR | Cognos Business Author (Query Studio) | |
CRN/PROF | Cognos Prof Author (Report Studio) | |
DEL/WKF | Delegates for Workflow | |
FAM | Fund Accounting | |
FAM/ACT | Activity Reports | |
FAM/AP | Accounts Payable | |
FAM/AUD | Audit Trails | |
FAM/DIS | Displays and Queries | |
FAM/ENC | Encumbrances | |
FAM/EXPORT | Export Tool for Fund Accounting | |
FAM/FIN | Financial Statements | |
FAM/GL | General Ledger | |
FAM/IMPORT | Import Tool for Fund Accounting and Purchasing | |
FAM/KPI | Add Fund Accounting KPI panels to dashboard | |
FAM/PUR | Purchasing | |
FAM/REC | Receivables | |
FAM/RPT | Reports | |
FID/FAM | Federal Tax ID Security in Fund Accounting | |
FIX | Fixed Assets | |
FIX/EXPORT | Export Tool for Fixed Assets | |
FIX/FXC | Fixed Assets Communicator | |
HBNK/HRM | Bank Account Security in Human Resources | |
HRM | Human Resources | |
HRM/ACA | Affordable Care Act | |
HRM/AM | Recruitment | No longer supported |
HRM/APP | Applicant Tracking | |
HRM/ATT | Attendance | |
HRM/CNT | Contracts | |
HRM/CRDC | Civil Rights Data Collection | |
HRM/ETS | Employee Timesheets | |
HRM/EXPORT | Export Tool for Human Resources | |
HRM/FUTPAY | Future Pay Rates | |
HRM/IMPORT | Import Tool for Human Resources | |
HRM/KPI | Add Human Resources KPI panels to dashboard | |
HRM/NEG | Salary Negotiations | |
HRM/PAT | Personnel Activity Tracker | |
HRM/PAY | Payroll | |
HRM/PD | Professional Development | |
HRM/PER | Personnel | |
HRM/POS | Position Control | |
HRM/W2 | W2 Processing Center | |
HRM/WKF | Workflow in Human Resources | |
MENU | Menu Manager | |
MENU/LRN | eLearning | |
MENU/UVC | PowerSchool ERP Feedback Profile | |
MIG | Conversions and crosswalks | Used by PowerSchool ERP in implementation |
MIG/BUD | Budget Preparation conversions | Used by PowerSchool ERP in implementation |
MIG/FAM | Fund Accounting conversions | Used by PowerSchool ERP in implementation |
MIG/FIX | Fixed Assets conversions | Used by PowerSchool ERP in implementation |
MIG/HRM | Human Resources conversions | Used by PowerSchool ERP in implementation |
MIG/WAR | Warehouse conversions | Used by PowerSchool ERP in implementation |
PCD | Purchasing Card Interface | |
SEC | Security | |
SEC/IMPORT | Import Tool for Security | |
SEC/SSO | Single sign-on | |
SSN/ACA | Social Security Number Security in Affordable Care Act | |
SSN/BEN | Social Security Number Security in Employee Benefits | |
SSN/HRM | Social Security Number Security in Human Resources | |
STU | Student Activities | |
STU/EXPORT | Export Tool for Student Activities | |
STU/STUREF | Student Activities Reference Tables | |
STU/STUSPS | Student Activities Sponsors | |
SYS | System Administration | |
SYS/API | API administration | |
SYS/EMA | Employee Mobile Application | |
SYS/KPI | Unauthorized KPI access | |
SYS/SCH | Import and export tool access | |
SYS/SIS | PowerSchool SIS integration | |
SYS/VAC | Vendor Access Center administration | |
TRE | Treasurer System | |
VBS | Vendor Bidding | |
VEM | Equipment Maintenance / Cognos vehicle reports | |
WAR | Warehouse Inventory | |
WAR/EXPORT | Export Tool for Warehouse Inventory | |
WKF | WorkFlow | |
WKF/EXPORT | Export Tool for Workflow | |
WKF/FAM | Fund Accounting Workflow | |
WKF/HRM | Human Resources Workflow | |
WKF/IMPORT | Import Tool for Workflow |