Requisitions/PO’s Tab
The Requisitions/PO's tab contains fields for setting up the following aspects of the PowerSchool ERP Purchasing System:
- Determining the numbering of requisitions and purchase orders in the current and upcoming fiscal years.
- Establishing approval settings, such as the default in a purchase order's Status field and using approval groups from Organization Chart records.
- Providing Purchasing's email address.
- Specifying the default method for encumbering payment amounts in Fund Accounting.
- Setting the default method for distributing purchase order costs.
- Repeating budget/unit account distributions from one requisition or purchase order to the next to facilitate data entry.
- Selecting the format for printing purchase orders.
- Allowing or disallowing taxes on freight shipments.
The Requisitions/PO's tab's fields are divided into three sections: Numbering Options, Requisition/Purchase Order Approval, and Miscellaneous. Following are descriptions for each section's fields.
Numbering Options Section
These fields determine how your requisitions and purchase orders are numbered:
Field | Description |
Zero-Fill Length of Req Number | Number of character positions the system should ensure are filled for each requisition number, using leading zeroes. For example, if requisition numbers should be zero-filled up to six character spaces, select 6 in this field. In this case, an entry of requisition number 302 would be saved, stored, and displayed as 000302. Zero-filling lets you maintain sequential requisition numbers since it converts all numbers to the same character length. If you do not want to use the zero-filling feature for requisitions, select 0 in this field. |
Zero-Fill Length of PO Numbers | Number of character positions the system should ensure are filled for each purchase order number, using leading zeroes. For example, if PO numbers should be zero-filled up to six character spaces, select 6 in this field. In this case, an entry of purchase order number 302 would be saved, stored, and displayed as 000302. Zero-filling lets you maintain sequential purchase order numbers since it converts all numbers to the same character length. If you do not want to use the zero-filling feature for purchase orders, select 0 in this field. |
User Assigned Req Numbers | Checkbox determining whether requisition numbers are user or system-assigned. Select the checkbox for user-assigned requisition numbers. For system-assigned requisition numbers, leave the checkbox blank. |
Next Requisition Number | Number or letter/number combination for identifying the next requisition added in Purchasing for the current fiscal year. Character/8
Sep Seq for Next Yr Req Numbers | Checkbox determining whether you use a separate numbering sequence for requisitions entered in the current fiscal year versus those entered using the Next Year’s Requisitions option. Select the checkbox if you want to keep the sequences separate. Otherwise, leave it blank.
Next New Year Req Number | Number the system will use for the next requisition added with the Purchasing System’s Next Year’s Requisitions option. This setting only applies if the Sep Seq for Next Yr Req Numbers checkbox is selected, and you use system-assigned requisition numbers. Character/8 After you run Fund Accounting’s fiscal year-end procedures, update this field with your new-year numbering sequence if necessary. |
User Assigned PO Numbers | Checkbox determining whether purchase order numbers are user or system-assigned. Select the checkbox for user-assigned PO numbers. For system-assigned numbers, leave the checkbox blank. This setting applies only to encumbrances entered in the Purchasing System. |
Next PO Number | Number or letter/number combination that will be used to identify the next purchase order added in Purchasing for the current fiscal year. Character/8
This field is updated with the Next New Year PO Number value when you run fiscal year-end processing for Fund Accounting. |
Sep Seq for Next Yr PO Numbers | Checkbox determining whether you use a separate numbering sequence for purchase orders entered in the current fiscal year versus those entered using the Next Year Purchase Orders option. Select the checkbox if you want to keep the sequences separate. Otherwise, leave it blank.
Next New Year PO Number | Number the system will use for the next purchase order added with the Purchasing System’s Next Year Purchase Orders option. This setting only applies if the Sep Seq for Next Yr PO Numbers checkbox is selected, and you use system-assigned purchase order numbers. Character/8 After you run Fund Accounting’s fiscal year-end procedures, update this field with your new-year numbering sequence if necessary. |
Requisition Or Purchase Order Approval Section
Use this section to determine several settings relating to approval processing for requisitions and purchase orders:
Field | Description |
Approvals by Organization | Checkbox determining whether approval parameters are assigned to requisitions and purchase orders based on levels from your financial reporting structure (Organization Chart) or user-defined approval groups. Select the checkbox to base approval on key organization codes from the Organization Chart. For user-defined codes, leave the checkbox blank. |
Group Title | Field label to use for the approval parameters assigned to requisitions, purchase orders, and if applicable, accounts payable records. Character/15 This field is used in the Approval table, as well as in pages where requisitions and purchase orders are processed. It is also a part of payable entry if you use AP approval. Use a name that reflects on how approvals are handled. If approval is based on the Organization Chart, then Key Orgn would appropriate. Likewise, if approval is based on work location, you could enter Location as the title. |
Buyer PO Approval | Checkbox determining the default value in the purchase order header’s Status field. Your selection applies to records entered with the Purchase Orders option as well as those generated by the Mass Convert Reqs to POs option and Vendor Bidding’s Convert Bid to PO option.
Miscellaneous Section
Use this section's fields to determine settings for encumbering purchase order costs, distributing encumbrance amounts, and formatting printed purchase orders:
Field | Description |
Purchasing Encumbrance Flag | Default setting to apply in the purchase order header's Encumber field. The Encumber field determines how the system handles encumbering of purchase order costs in Fund Accounting. The default setting you select in the profile applies to purchase orders entered manually in the Purchasing System as well as those converted from requisitions and vendor bids. The default value can be changed upon entry of a purchase order. The setting takes effect when the purchase order is fully approved and posted to Fund Accounting. Select one of the following options:
Alternate Portrait PO | Setting determining the print orientation for your purchase orders. Select one of the following options:
Purchasing Distribution Method | Setting determining the default method for distributing the costs of requisition and purchase order line items. If needed, the user can select another method during requisition or purchase order entry. Select one of the following options:
Create Attachments? | Checkbox determining the default for the Create Attachments? checkbox in the Print Purchase Orders page. The checkbox indicates whether you want the system to create PDF attachments of printed purchase orders as part of the printing process. This profile setting is only available if you have the appropriate Optio software installed on your server. Select the checkbox if the Create Attachments? field should be checked by default when a user prints purchase orders. If you leave the profile's checkbox blank, the field in the Print Purchase Orders page will be blank by default. The user can change the default setting when printing POs. |
User Forms Manager for POs | Checkbox to use the Forms Manager feature to print the purchase orders. |
Tax on Freight? | Checkbox determining whether taxes should be applied to freight charges. Select the checkbox to allow taxes to be applied. Otherwise, leave it blank. |
Purchasing Email Address | Email address of your Purchasing Department or a comparable location for emailing purchase orders or change orders to vendors. |
Copy Charges? | Checkbox determining whether the budget unit/account combination used on a requisition or purchase order should be copied to the next one when a user is using continuous add. This feature saves the user time in entering distribution charges. If desired, the user can change the default distribution from the previous requisition or purchase order. In this case, the new distributions will be copied to the next record being added. Select the box to allow the distribution codes to default. Otherwise, leave it blank, in which case, users must look up and enter the codes. |
Create Purchase Orders for Fully Approved Requisitions Only | Checkbox determining the output of purchase orders. To create purchase orders for fully approved requisitions only, select the box. Otherwise, leave it blank. |
Automatically Create POs from Fully Approved Requisitions | Select to have Purchase Orders automatically created when requisitions are approved. |
Prevent Updates to Converted Requisitions | Checkbox that enables or disables updates to converted requisitions. To prevent updates to converted requisitions, select the box. Otherwise, leave it blank. |