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System Backups

PowerSchool ERP provides a Backup to Disk option for several Financial Systems packages. With a Backup option, you can save a copy of all records in a particular application's tables. This data is saved to a predefined directory location on your PowerSchool ERP server.

You can perform backups for the following systems:

Fund Accounting

Personnel Budgeting

Fixed Assets

Warehouse Inventory

Budget Preparation


Vendor Bidding

Equipment Manager

The procedure for restoring a saved backup file depends on the type of database engine you use. Database restoration procedures are handled by your system administrator.

Users must remain out of the system when a backup is run and until the processes performed have been verified as successful. This includes the use of Workflow eForms and Attachments. Also, the fields and layout for the Backup to Disk page are the same no matter which option you select.

Menu Path:  System Administration > All > Backups to Disk > select an option

Backing up all of the database tables for a selected package

  1. All users should be logged out of the package you are backing up.
  2. Select System Administration > All, and then select an option from the Backups to Disk menu.
  3. In the Confirmation dialog, click Yes.
  4. In the Backup to Disk page, make note of the Backup Location for the tables you are copying.
  5. In the Backup confirmation, select Yes. The system displays a message when the backup is complete.


The Backup to Disk page includes the following display-only fields:



Backup Type

The software package you are backing up.

Backup Desc

Product code for the software package you are backing up. For example, Fund Accounting has a code of FAM and Budget Preparation has a code of BUD.

Engine Type

Code indicating the database engine used for running PowerSchool ERP, such as MSV for Microsoft SQL Server.

Engine Desc

Full description for the database engine.

Bckp Loc

Directory location on your PowerSchool ERP server where the backup table data will be copied. Make note of the directory path and file name.


If a backup file already exists in the indicated location, the system overwrites the file when you perform a subsequent backup.

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