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System IDP

This section only applies to Consortiums.

System IDP is a way of authenticating PowerSchool ERP users through the respective IDP. Users are defined at the System Environment level and can access multiple profiles across districts using the same login link, irrespective of Tenant IDPs.

System IDP User Types

There are two types of users that will log in to PowerSchool ERP using System IDP.

  • System Administrator users have access to the Environment Maintenance page.
  • Consortium users do not have the Environment Maintenance page option.

Version Requirements

  • 20.11.38 or later
  • 22.4.2 or later

Configure System IDP

  1. Click the circle with your initials in the toolbar.
  2. Select Environment Maintenance.
  3. In the Business Entities panel, select Set System IDP.
  4. On the System IDP Setup page enter the IDP details as defined.

System IDP Details

Identifiers marked in brackets < > are dynamic and specific to your district.

Unique Identification GUID is provided by PowerSchool.
IDEntity ID
Identity Provider NameEnter one of the following as used by the district:
  • Microsoft
  • Google
Client IDGet this from IDP Provider.
Client SecretGet this from IDP Provider.
Claim Identifier

Enter the applicable identifier for Single Sign-On services, matched to the Identity Provider Name:

  • Microsoft: oid
  • Google: email
Identity Provider URL

Enter one of the following URLs, matched to the Identity Provider Name:

  • Microsoft -<Tenant Profile ID>/v2.0
  • Google -
Identity Provider Scopes

Enter the Identity Provider Scope, matched to the Identity Provider Name:

  • Microsoft: Openid
  • Google: Email
Redirect URI
  1. Microsoft: https://<application server URI>//eFP20.11/PowerSchool ERP/SunGard.PowerSchool ERP.Web/<Powerschool District Application GUID>/signin-microsoft
  2. Google : https://<application server URI>//eFP20.11/PowerSchool ERP/SunGard.PowerSchool ERP.Web/<Powerschool District Application GUID>/signin-google

Define System Administrator Users

System Administrators are defined on the User Access page.

  1. Click the circle with your initials in the toolbar.
  2. Select Environment Maintenance.
  3. In the Other Catalog Information panel, select User Access.
  4. On the User Access page, enter the global identifier of the user.
  5. Click Save.

Define Consortium and Support Users

Consortium and Support users are defined on the Consortium User page.

  1. Click the circle with your initials in the toolbar.
  2. Select Environment Maintenance.
  3. In the Other Catalog Information panel, select Set System IDP.
  4. In the Additional Links panel, select Consortium User.
  5. In the Consortium User Access page, enter the global identifier of the user.
  6. Click Save.

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