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User Management

22.4 and later for Hosted (Cloud) customers that do not use Single Sign-On (SSO) to log into PowerSchool ERP.

Before an employee can be added as an PowerSchool ERP user in the Security menu, the employee must have a record in User Management. The User Management page controls user credentials and permissions to log into PowerSchool ERP. This is not required for districts that use SSO because SSO bypasses the login page.

A user must have a record on the User Management page and a Security User record. If the user is not added to the Security, Users page, a message appears upon login stating that the user may not access any databases.

Menu Path

From the System Administration menu, select Administration. From the User Administration menu, select User Management.

User Management Processes

An administrator with resources assigned for the User Management page can perform the following user management activities:

  • Create new users.

  • Unlock user accounts (when locked by failed login attempts).

  • Edit the first and last name of the user.

  • Set a new user password.

  • Disable or enable a user account.

  • Assign a user as an administrator.

  • Delete users.

If a user has a complete name change, it is recommended to add a new User Management record, create a new user record in the Security, Users menu, and copy user data to the new account. After performing these steps and confirming user access, you can delete the original records from User Management and Security, Users.

Create a User

  1. Select Create User.

  2. Enter valid information in the User Information, Account Information, and Account Security sections.

  3. Click Submit.

Unlock a User Account

Click the Account Locked button corresponding to the user to unlock the user account. A user cannot log into PowerSchool ERP if the account is locked.

Edit User Data

  1. Click the desired username.

  2. Edit user data as needed.

  3. Click Submit.

Delete a User

  1. In the Remove User column, click the trash can icon on the user record you want to delete.

  2. Click Yes.

Use the Filter

Use filters to adjust the number of users displayed on the User Management screen.

  1. Click Filter.

  2. Select a field to use to filter records.

  3. Enter criteria or select an option for toggle settings such as Account Locked.


User Management List




The username is part of the login credentials along with the password. Do not include the site code when entering the username.

First Name

Employee's first name

Last name

Employee's last name

Site Admin

Identifies if the employee has administrative privileges for the User Management page.

Account Locked

Identifies if the employee account is locked from entering incorrect login credentials. The number of incorrect logins allowed is set on the Modify Password Policy page.

Account Expired

Expiry can be set in Active Directory and is displayed in User Management.


List of applications assigned to the user in Active Directory.

  • PowerSchool ERP

  • eSchoolPlus

  • eSchoolPlus Administrator

Remove User

Remove a user from User Management. The employee can no longer log into PowerSchool ERP.

User Record



Site Code and User Name

Displays the three-charactersite code and the username. You cannot edit the site code. You can only edit the username when creating a user record.


The user's email address.

Password and Confirm Password

Use these fields to change a user's password. A message appears if a password is defined.

Security Access

Select applications the user may access. Applications will be displayed in the user list.

Account Status

Identifies if account is enabled or disabled. A User Management administrator can adjust this setting.

Making a user account disabled may be used if an employee is on extended leave and the administrator wants to preserve user settings for when they return, while preventing a login during the leave.

Site Admin

Select a value to determine if the user will have administrator privileges on the User Management page.

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