Approval Table
If your Fund Accounting Profile is setup to use approval processing for accounts payables, batch budget adjustments, and batch budget transfers, you need to establish the approval requirements that your co-workers will use for this purpose. Approval table records define user IDs of authorized approvers and the dollar amount ranges they are required to approve.
The Fund Accounting Profile also determines whether accounts payable, batch budget adjustment, and batch budget transfer approval records are assigned based on key organization or user-defined group.
In addition, if you have the appropriate security resources, you can use the Approval table to view and update approval requirements for requisitions, purchase orders, and change orders.
Menu Path: Fund Accounting > Reference Tables > Reference Tables > Approvals
Adding an Approval record
- Select Fund Accounting > Reference Tables > Reference Tables > Approvals to display the Approval Information page.
- Click Add New to access the Approval Data section.
- In the Approval Data section, enter the approval group and description. The Fund Accounting Profile's Approvals By Organization field determines whether you enter the approval group as a user-defined code or by selecting a valid Organization Chart code.
- Click OK to access the first available tab. This depends on your security permissions. For example, if you have permission for accounts payable but not requisitions and purchase orders, the Accounts Payable tab displays first.
Complete the tabs that are available to you. If you have complete access, the tabs include:
Stores the setup for processing requisition approvals in the Purchasing System.
Purchase Order
Stores the setup for processing purchase order approvals in the Purchasing System.
Change Order
Stores the setup for processing change order approvals in the Purchasing System.
Accounts Payable
Stores the setup for processing accounts payable approvals in Fund Accounting.
Budget Transfer/Adjustment
Stores the setup for approval processing of batch budget transfers/adjustments in Fund Accounting.
For details on the fields in the Accounts Payable and Budget Transfer/Adjustment tabs, refer to the Fields section below.
- Click OK to save the record.
Changing an Existing Approval record
- Select Fund Accounting > Reference Tables > Reference Tables > Approvals.
- In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria to identify records to list, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.
- In the List section, select the record, and then click OK.
- Update the fields in the Approval Data section.
- Click OK to save the record.
Updates to Approval Table records do not affect records that are already associated with the approval group but to all subsequent records tied to the group. We recommend that before making changes to approval information in records in the Approval table, verify that all existing transactions are fully approved.
Using the Copy item to add Approval Table records
- Select Fund Accounting > Reference Tables > Reference Tables > Approvals.
- In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria to identify records to list, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.
- In the List section, select the record you wish to copy, and then click Copy.
In the page's Current section, the APPROVAL and Description fields default the approval code and description from the record being copied. In the New section, complete the following fields:
Enter an approval code to identify the key organization (budget unit) or approval group. This code identifies the record being created. You cannot have two approval records with the same code. Character/17
Enter a description of the approval record. Character/35
- Click OK to save the record.
All the approval information from the original record is copied to the new record. - To change any approval information in the new record, follow the procedure for updating an Approval Table record.
The Copy item displays when you access the Approval Information page, but it is only used in conjunction with Requisitions, Purchase Orders, and Change Orders.
Generating the Approval Table report
- Select Fund Accounting > Reference Tables > Reference Tables > Approvals.
- In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria to identify the records to list, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.
- After displaying records in the List section, click Print.
Select one of the following Approval Table report types:
Acct. Payable
Limits the report to accounts payable approval setup information.
Limits the report to requisition and vendor bid approval setup information.
Limits the report to purchase order approval setup information.
Limits the report to batch budget transfer and batch budget adjustment approval setup information.
Change Orders
Limits the report to change order approval setup information.
Includes setup information for all types of approvals.
- In the Print window, specify how to generate the report, and then click OK. The report's default file name is apprtype.rpt. You must edit this name based on the report option selected in Step 4.
Following are descriptions of the fields in the Approval Information page's Approval Data section and Requisition, Purchase Order, Change Order, Accounts Payable, and Budget Transfer/Adjustment tabs. Your access to specific tabs depends on your security permissions.
Approval Data Section
Use this section to enter information identifying the Approval Table record. The Approval field's title is defined in the Fund Accounting Profile.
Field | Description |
*Approval* | Code to identify the approval organization or user-defined approval group. The Fund Accounting Profile’s Approvals By Organization field determines whether approval is by organization or user-defined groups.
Description | Full description of the approval group or organization that appears on requisitions and purchase orders. Character/35 If your profile is set to approve by organization, the description defaults from the Organization Chart according to your entry in the *Approval* field, but it can be changed. |
The Approval Information page's tabs all include the same fields, except for the Requisition tab, which includes an additional field (Vendor Bid checkbox).
Field | Description | ||||||||||||
Level | Approval levels 1-5. Display only. | ||||||||||||
Approver | User ID of the primary person authorized to approve at the indicated level. Your entry is verified against Security's Users table.
| ||||||||||||
Alternate (1st and 2nd) | User IDs of alternate persons authorized to approve at the indicated level. Alternates can approve transactions when the primary approver is not available. | ||||||||||||
Req(uired) | Checkbox designating whether approval is required at the indicated level.
| ||||||||||||
Low Amount | Minimum amount requiring approval at this level. Approval is not required at this level for transactions that total less than this amount, even if the Required checkbox is selected. | ||||||||||||
High Amount | Maximum amount requiring approval at this level. Example: Following are entries for a record with two required levels of approval:
In this setup, a transaction for $350.00 does not require approval at Level 2. | ||||||||||||
Vendor Bid | Checkbox indicating whether approval is required for requisition items designated as vendor bid items. This field only applies to the Requisition tab. Leave the field blank if the approval level does not apply to bid items. |