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Batch Accounts Payable Processing

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The Batch Accounts Payable option enables you to store payable records in batch files for eventual posting to Fund Accounting. With this option, you can:

  • Create a batch file to store payable records for review and future posting.
  • Add payables to an existing batch, manually or through an import function.
  • Work with payables that were automatically routed to a batch file as part of accounts payable approval processing, pay run processing in Human Resources, or refund processing in the eCommunityPlus Utility Billing System.
  • Review, update, print, and delete batch payable records as needed.
  • Release batch records and post them to Fund Accounting.
  • Interface non-purchase order payments to Fixed Assets.
    Following are two of the advantages of using batch processing instead of online payable entry:
  • You can identify data entry errors before the payables are posted.
  • You can better control the way records are grouped for processing vendor checks.

Menu Path:  Fund Accounting > Entry & Processing > Payable Entry > Batch Accounts Payable

System Processing

With batch payable records, the system performs the same payment and budget monitoring as it does when payables are entered with the Post Accounts Payable option. The system also classifies records for Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) processing based on the vendor address or alternate vendor address assigned.

When you post batch records to Fund Accounting, the system creates ledger and transaction records in the same way as with online payable entry. If you use an approval process for payables, the system creates approval records at this point as well.

For a complete description of the system processing associated with online and batch payable entry, refer to Accounts Payable Processing.

Process Overview

Following is an outline of the process for creating, importing, updating, approving, and posting batch accounts payable records:


Create Batch Payable Records

Batch Accounts Payable Detail Page

Fund Accounting > Entry & Processing > Payable Entry > Batch Accounts Payable > click Add New

  • Add payable records to a new or existing batch.
  • Generate the Batch Payables Edit List to review the records.


Import Batch Payable Records

File Import and Data Selection Page

Fund Accounting > Entry & Processing > Payable Entry > Batch Accounts Payable > click Import

  • Import batch accounts payable records from files stored on either your personal computer or network server.


Update Batch Payable Records

Batch Accounts Payable Listing Page

Fund Accounting > Entry & Processing > Payable Entry > Batch Accounts Payable > select a batch, and then select a record > click OK

  • Change payable records as needed.


Review Batch Payable Approvals

Payables Approval Status Page

Fund Accounting > Entry & Processing > Payable Entry > Batch Accounts Payable > select a batch, and then select a record > click OK > click Approval Status

  • Review the approval status of a selected payable. This page only applies to payables with a Purchase Order Payment payment type.
  • For the procedure for approving payables, refer to Accounts Payable Approval.


Release and Post Batch Payable Records

Batch Accounts Payable Listing Page

Fund Accounting > Entry & Processing > Payable Entry > Batch Accounts Payable > select a batch or select a batch and then a record > click Release/Post

  • Access the Release/Post page to release and post either a batch of payable records or individual payables within a batch.

Batch File Status

The Batch Accounts Payable page shows each batch file's status in reference to accounts payable approval processing. A batch file can have one of two status settings:

  • The Entry status means the batch file contains records that have not yet been posted for approval processing.
  • The Review status indicates the batch file's records are currently in the approval process, or there was a problem and the batch could not be posted.
    Following is a listing of how your actions affect the status of a batch file:
  • You create a batch file and add records to it over the course of several days. The batch file will have a status of Entry.
  • You post a batch file to Fund Accounting and some or all of its records are routed for approval. The batch file's status changes to Review.
  • You post a batch to Fund Accounting and an error such as budget is exceeded prevents a record from being posted. The batch file's status changes to Review.
  • You make changes to a batch payable that is undergoing review. You tell the system to restart approvals for the record you changed. The batch file's status changes to Entry since you need to resubmit the updated payable items for approval records to be created.
  • Using either the Post Accounts Payable or Standard Payables option, you post payable line items that are in turn routed to an existing batch file that had a status of Entry. The batch file keeps the Entry status until its original records are posted and submitted for approval.
  • You add a batch payable to a batch file that has a status of Review. The batch file retains the Review status. In this case, you would need to display the batch file's records in the Batch Accounts Payable listing page to see there were items that had not yet been posted.

Batch Payable Hold Status

The Batch Accounts Payable listing page includes a Hold Status column which shows a batch payable's status in reference to the posting process and, if applicable, accounts payable approval.

  • If your site does not use an approval process for accounts payable records, then the Hold Status column indicates whether payment items in a batch are On Hold and therefore, cannot be posted to Fund Accounting.
    Records with a status of On Hold need to be reviewed and then released for posting. When a record is released, the Hold Status column is blank.
  • If your site uses accounts payable approval, one of the following indicators displays in the payment item's Hold Status field:

On Hold

The payment item is awaiting review and cannot be posted because its Hold checkbox is selected.

In Review/Open

The payment item is in review and awaiting approval or denial.

In Review/Correction

An approver has flagged the payment item for correction.

In Review/Partly Appr(oved)

One or more but not all line items in the payment item have been approved.

In Review/Denied

The payment item has been denied. The item continues to display so that it can be either re-entered or deleted.


The payment item has been released and can be either posted to Fund Accounting or if applicable, routed for approval.

You can update a batch payable in the Batch Accounts Payable detail page as long as you have the appropriate security resource and the record does not have a Hold Status of In Review/Denied. When you update a batch payable record that is undergoing review, the system asks whether you want to restart the approval process for the payable.

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