Batch Vendors Table
Use this option to enter, change, or delete vendor records in a batch file. You can add records manually or through a file loading function.
You also can print an edit list of a file's records. After you review the list, you can release the file and post its records to the Vendor List table.
This section includes procedures for adding batch files, adding vendor records to existing files, updating and deleting vendor records in a file, generating the edit list report, and posting batch records. For information on loading vendor records from an external file, refer to the next section, Loading External Batch Files.
Menu Path: Fund Accounting > Reference Tables > Reference Tables > Batch Vendors
Types of Batch Vendor Pages
The Batch Vendors option uses two pages:
Batch Vendors Page | Lists existing batches of vendor records. Enables you to display the detail page to add a new batch file or to change or delete records in an existing batch. The page also enables you to select a batch, load records from external files, print an edit list, release the batch's records, then post them to the Vendor List table. |
Batch Vendors Detail Page | Enables you to add, change, and delete records in a selected batch file. You can also create a new batch file using the detail page. |
Action Bar Items
The following items display on the Batch Vendors page's Action Bar
Print Multiple Batches Displays the Print Batch Vendors Selection page, which enables you to generate an edit list of one or more batch files.
Release Releases a batch file's records for posting. This item deselects the Hold field for each record in the batch. For details, refer to the Procedures section.
Post Posts a batch file's records to the Vendor List. The system only posts a record if its Hold field is blank. For details, refer to the Procedures section.
Load External Displays the Load External File page, which lets you import batch vendor records from external text files. For details, refer to Loading External Batch Files.
The following item displays on the Batch Vendors detail page's Action Bar when you are adding or changing a record:
Classes | Displays the Commodity Class Codes page where you can tie commodity classes to the vendor for printing bid list mailing labels. A commodity class is identified by the first three digits of a commodity code. For details, refer to Commodity Class Codes Page. |
Adding batch file with multiple vendors
- Select Fund Accounting > Reference Tables > Reference Tables > Batch Vendors to display the Batch Vendors page.
- Click Add New to display the Batch Vendors detail page.
- In the Control Number field, enter the code you want to use to identify the batch file.
You will need to reenter the same Control Number with each vendor you add to the file. - Complete the fields in the page's tabs.
Leave the Continuous checkbox selected. - If you use Vendor Bidding, click Classes to enter the Commodity Class codes identifying the classes assigned to the vendor.
- Click OK to save the record.
- Repeat Steps 3-6 for each additional vendor.
- Click Back when you finish.
Adding a vendor record to an existing batch
- Select Fund Accounting > Reference Tables > Reference Tables > Batch Vendors to display the Batch Vendors page.
- Select the batch you want, and then click OK to display the Batch Vendors detail page.
- Click Add New.
- Complete the fields in the page's tabs.
- If you use the Vendor Bidding System, click Classes to associate Commodity Class codes with the vendor for printing of bid list mailing labels.
- Click OK to save the record.
Updating a vendor record in a batch file
- Select Fund Accounting > Reference Tables > Reference Tables > Batch Vendors to display the Batch Vendors page.
- Select the batch file containing the vendor record you want to change, and then click OK to display the Batch Vendors detail page.
- Click OK to list the batch file's records. If needed, you can also enter selection criteria first but this is only necessary if you have a large number of records.
- In the List section, select the vendor record you want to change, and then click OK to display it.
- Change the record's fields as needed. For information on any of the fields, refer below to the Fields section.
- Click OK to save the record.
Deleting a vendor record in a batch file
- Select Fund Accounting > Reference Tables > Reference Tables > Batch Vendors to display the Batch Vendors page.
- Select the batch file containing the vendor record you want to delete, and then click OK to display the Vendor Information page.
- Click OK to list the batch file's records.
- In the List section, select the vendor record you want to delete.
- Click Delete.
- In the Confirmation dialog, click Yes.
You can delete a batch file by deleting all of the records in the file.
Generating the Batch Entry Vendor Edit report
- Select Fund Accounting > Reference Tables > Reference Tables > Batch Vendors to display the Batch Vendors page.
- Select the batch file you want to print.
- Click Print.
- In the Print Batch Vendors page, select one of the following radio buttons to define the addresses to included:
- Print Purchasing and Accounts Payable Addresses
- Print Accounts Payable and 1099 Addresses
- Click OK.
- In the Print window, specify how to generate the report, and then click OK. The report's default file name is bactchven.rpt.
Posting a batch file
Select Fund Accounting > Reference Tables > Reference Tables > Batch Vendors to display the Batch Vendors page.
Select the batch you want to post.
Generate the Batch Entry Vendor Edit report, as outlined in the previous procedure. Review the report, and correct your records as needed before posting them.
Select the appropriate batch in the Batch Vendors page, and then click Release to display a Confirmation.
Click Yes to release the records. This clears the Hold field for each record in the batch.
To prevent a vendor record from being posted, follow the procedure for changing a batch vendor record. Specifically, make sure you select the record's Hold field on the General tab.
In the main Batch Vendors page, select the batch file, and then click Post to post the batch's records.
In the confirmation dialog, select Yes. A page displays showing the results of the posting.
Click OK.
The Batch Vendors detail page is similar to the one used for the Vendor List option. The major difference is that the batch version of the page does not include the Discount Information and EFT/ACH tabs. You can add this information after posting your batch records to the live database.
General Tab
This tab stores identification information on the vendor and for the batch file containing the vendor record:
General Information Section
Field | Description |
Entered By | Operator’s login ID. Display only. |
Control Number | Number identifying the batch file. Character/8 |
Vendor Code | Code identifying the vendor record. Character/8
Hold | Checkbox that prevents a batch record from being posted. Initially, the field is selected by default. When you use the Release item the system deselects all of the Hold boxes in the batch selected. You can re-select a box if you do not want a particular record posted. |
Employee | Checkbox indicating whether the vendor is also an employee of your organization. Select the box if the vendor is an employee. If you select the box and press <Tab>, the Employee Lookup page displays. Enter selection criteria to identify the employee, and then click OK. When the search ends, select the employee in the page’s list section, and then click OK to return to the detail page. The employee’s name defaults to the Vendor Name and Search Name fields, and the employee’s Social Security number defaults to the Federal Tax ID field. Also, the employee’s address defaults to the fields in the Address tab. When a payable is created (online or in batch), the system checks the employee file for changes of name or address and updates the vendor record if needed. |
Vendor Name | Vendor name as it should appear on checks. Character/35 |
Search Name | Vendor name entered so that records sort in proper alphabetical order. For example, if the vendor’s name is THE PAPER CONNECTION, the search name should be entered as PAPER CONNECTION THE.
Federal Tax ID | Vendor's nine-digit Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN) as assigned by the IRS.
This field is accessible when adding a record. However, when changing a record, the display of the ID number and access to the field depend on your security resources. |
Web Address | Vendor’s web address. Click on the Web Address link to display the vendor’s web site in your default browser. |
Status Information Section
Field | Description |
Inactive | Checkbox indicating whether the vendor is active. Select the box to change the vendor's status to Inactive. You cannot use an inactive vendor on a requisition, purchase order, change order, or non-purchase order payable. However, a user with the appropriate security resource can enter a payable for a vendor whose status has been changed from active to inactive. |
Hold Payment | Checkbox indicating whether to withhold payments to this vendor. To enable the system to withhold payments, select the box. |
Status 1 | User-defined status code assigned to the vendor.
Status 2 | Additional user-defined status code. Aside from the BIDDING designation, the Status 1 and 2 fields are for information purposes only. They do not affect system processing. |
Address Tab
This tab includes two sections, Purchasing and Accounts Payable, which include the same fields. Entries in the Purchasing section default to the Accounts Payable section but may be changed as needed.
To enter additional contact information for a vendor, use the Addresses item in the Vendor List option after posting the record.
Field | Description |
Address 1-2 | Two lines for the vendor’s purchasing or billing address, depending on the section. Character/35 |
City | City from the vendor's address. Character/20 |
State | Vendor’s state identified by its standard two-character postal abbreviation. |
Zip | Zip code and optional four-digit extension, for example, 12345-9876. |
Contact | Name of the person or department to contact. Character/20 |
Phone | Area code and telephone number of the contact person or department. The system provides the dashes. |
Fax | Area code and fax number. The system provides the dashes. |
1099 Name and Address Tab
Field | Description |
1099 Name | Name to be used for the vendor's 1099. |
Doing Business As | Vendor’s Doing Business As name. Character/35 |
Note | For 1099 vendors, if the Doing Business As field has a value, that value will appear in Address 1 when processing 1099s. |
Address 1-2 | Two lines for the vendor's 1099 address. |
City | City for the vendor's 1099 address. |
State | State for vendor's 1099 identified by its standard two-character postal abbreviation. |
Zip | Zip code and optional four digit extension. |
1099 Information Tab
This tab stores codes and payment amounts related to vendors’ 1099 forms:
Field | Description |
Form | Code identifying the form used to report payments for this vendor. Form and Box code combinations reference records in the 1099 Types table. This payment type defaults when you enter transactions. Select: G - 1099-G- Unemployment compensation, state/local income tax, qualified state tuition earnings, taxable grants, and agriculture payments. |
Box (Misc/G/Int) | Three fields for entering Box codes for the different types of 1099 forms: Misc, G, and Int. Select the Box code from the 1099 Types table that identifies the type of income paid to the vendor. |
Prev(ious) (Misc/G/Int) | Three fields for entering the 1099 amounts paid to the vendor if you began using the Fund Accounting System after the start of the current calendar year. These fields allow you to supplement system-maintained year-to-date totals, so the amounts on your 1099 forms are complete. In starting a year, leave these fields at their zero defaults. |
FTD Paid | Total payments made to the vendor in the current fiscal year that you tracked in a separate system before implementing PSERP. This includes 1099 and non-1099 payments. Decimal/12,2 |
Miscellaneous Information Tab
Field | Description |
Sales Tax Rate | Rate of the sales tax for the vendor's state, if any, entered in decimal format (5% =.05). Decimal/4 |
Hold (Payment) | Checkbox indicating whether to withhold payments to this vendor. If the box is selected, the system withholds payments. |
Use Tax Rate | Rate of the use tax, if any, entered in decimal format (5% =.05). Decimal/4 |
Min(imum) Check Amt | Smallest amount for issuing a check to the vendor. For example, if you enter $100, checks cannot be issued until the total payments due reach this amount. |