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Budget Control Status Page

Use the Budget Control Status page to review information on the budget control account associated with a selected expenditure record. The page displays the following information for each budget control transaction for the selected budget unit:

Control *Budget Unit*

Current Encumbrances

Control Account

Budget Balance

Budget Amount

Requisition Balance

Period Expenses

Inventory Requested

Year-to-Date Expenses

Requisition Balance

Menu Path

From the Fund Accounting menu, select Entry & Processing. From the Budget Ledgers menu, select Expenditure Ledger. After performing a search, select a record, and then from the Action Bar click Budget Control.

Action Bar Items

The following items display on the Budget Control Status page's Action Bar:

Display Through...

Displays the Reset Period page to change the period for year-to-date displays and queries but not the year. For details, refer to Resetting Periods.

Period Balances

Displays the Period Balances page that lists a unit's budgeted expenditures, actual expenditures, and encumbrances for individual periods. The page also provides totals and balances for the year to date. For details, refer to the procedures under Expenditure Budgets Page.

Toolbar Items

The following toolbar items enable you to access additional information on accounts in the Budget Control Status page:


Generates the Expenditure Control Short Listing report that includes most of the information on the records listed in the page. For details, refer to the Procedures section.


Displays the Transactions page for a selected account. The page lists transactions tied to the budget unit-account combination. For details, refer to Transactions Page.


Displays the Activities page that lists workflow notifications you have received regarding purchasing, payroll and journal entry activities tied to the budget unit. From this page, you can select an activity and click OK to display the related page.


Displays the Documents page that lists reports you have generated and log files related to applications you have run. You can access a document by selecting it and clicking OK.

Use the Budget Control Status Page

  1. In the Selection Criteria section, enter criteria to identify the records to list, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.
  2. In the List section, select the desired record, and then click Budget Control to display the Budget Control Status page.
  3. Use the items on the Action Bar and toolbar to access additional pages. For details, refer to the Action Bar Items and Toolbar Items sections above.
  4. Click Back to return to the Expenditure Budgets page.

Generate the Expenditure Control Short Listing Report

  1. In the Selection Criteria section, enter criteria to identify the records to list, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.
  2. In the List section, select the desired record, and then click Budget Control to display the Budget Control Status page.
  3. Click Print.
  4. In the Print window, specify how to generate the report, and then click OK. The default file name of the report is control_list.rpt.
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