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Expenditure Budgets Page

Use this page to search and list Expenditure Ledger records. After listing the records, you can:

  • Access the Post Original Budgets page that enables you to set up new expenditure budget records.
  • Delete records that have zero balances and no activity in the current year.
  • Inactivate active records and reactivate inactive ones.
  • Generate the Expenditure Ledger Short Listing report that lists all your expenditure records.
  • Use Action Bar items to view budget data, adjust budgeted amounts, and transfer expenditures between accounts.

Menu Path

From the Fund Accounting menu, select Entry & Processing. From the Budget Ledgers menu, select Expenditure Ledger.

Action Bar Items

After you generate a list of budget records, the following items display on the page's Action Bar:

Display Through...

Displays the Reset Period page for changing the period for year-to-date displays and queries, but not the year.

Adjust Budget

Displays the Expenditure Budgets Adjustment page that enables you to adjust the annual and per period amounts for a selected budget record.


Displays the Post Expenditure Budget Transfer page to transfer accounts from one record to another.


Displays the Change Status confirmation message to activate and inactivate budget records.

Period Balances

Displays the Period Balances page that lists a unit's budgeted expenditures, actual expenditures, and encumbrances for individual periods. The page also provides totals and balances for the year to date.


Displays the Requisitions page that lists all requisitions for a selected budget record.

Budget Control

Displays the Budget Control Status page that shows a record's period and year-to-date expenditures, encumbrances, requisition balances, and inventory requests.

Delete All Selected

Deletes all records currently displayed in the page's List section. A confirmation dialog alerts you to the number of records that will be deleted.

Additional Expenditure Ledger Pages

Besides the pages mentioned in the Action Bar Items section, you can access the following from the Expenditure Budgets page:

  • Post Original Budgets Page displays by clicking Add New. This page enables you to set up new budget records in your Expenditure Ledger.
  • Transactions Page displays by selecting a record in the Expenditure Budgets page's List section and then clicking OK. This page provides complete data on a selected transaction, such as a purchase order, journal entry, or payroll record.

Delete an Individual Expenditure Record

  1. On the Expenditure Budgets page, in the Selection Criteria section, enter criteria to identify the records to list, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.
  2. In the List section, select the record to delete.
  3. Click Delete.

    An error message displays if the record's budget does not equal zero or has had transactions recorded against it. In either case, the record cannot be deleted and the process ends.
  4. Click Yes.

Delete a List of Selected Expenditure Records

  1. On the Expenditure Budgets page, in the Selection Criteria section, enter criteria to identify the records to list, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.

    The system cannot delete records that either have starting budgets greater than zero or have had transactions recorded against them.
  2. Click Delete All Selected.
    The Delete Expenditure Ledgers confirmation appears, indicating the number of records selected for deletion.
  3. Click Yes to delete the displayed records.

    If any selected records have transactions recorded against them or their budgets do not equal zero, the Undeleted Expenditure Errors page appears. The page lists records that were not deleted and provides error messages. However, all other records selected are successfully deleted.
  4. Click Back to return to the Expenditure Budgets page.

Inactivate or Reactivate an Expenditure Record

In the following procedure, you can select one record and either inactivate or reactivate all other records listed, depending on the selected record's status.

  1. On the Expenditure Budgets page, in the Selection Criteria section, enter criteria to identify the records to list, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.
  2. In the List section, select the record you want. To determine the record's current status, refer to the Status field on the right.

    You can change the status of multiple records based on the status of the record currently selected. For example, some records listed may be Active while others are Inactive. If the record you select is Inactive, you can choose to change the current record to Active or all Inactive records listed to Active.
  3. Click Inactivate on the Action Bar.
  4. In the Change Status confirmation dialog:
    • If the selected record's status is Active, click Inactivate to change the status of the selected record to Inactive, or click Inactivate All to inactivate all the Active records listed. Proceed to the next step.
    • If the selected record's status is Inactive, click Activate to reactivate the selected record, or click Activate All to reactivate all the Inactive records listed. In either case, the procedure ends.
  5. After you inactivate one or more records, the Print window displays. Enter settings for generating the Inactive Account Use report, and then click OK. The default file name of the report is inact.rpt.

The Inactive Account Use report provides information about whether the records affected are being used in salary and position distributions, journal entries, or payables.

Active records can have transactions posted against them. Inactive records cannot.

Display Balances on the Period Balances Page

The Period Balances page displays details of a selected expenditure record that includes period budget, expenses, encumbrance amounts, and related totals.

  1. On the Expenditure Budgets page, in the Selection Criteria section, enter criteria to identify the records to list, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.
  2. In the List section, select the record you want.
  3. Click Period Balances to display the Period Balances page.
  4. Click Back to return to the Expenditure Budgets page.

Display Requisitions Tied to an Expenditure Record

The Requisitions page is only available if a requisition applies to the record.

  1. On the Expenditure Budgets page, in the Selection Criteria section, enter criteria to identify the records to list, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.
  2. In the List section, select the record you want.
  3. Click Requisitions to display the Requisitions page.

    If the budget unit does not have any requisitions, the system displays a message that indicates no matching records were found.
  4. Click Back to return to the Expenditure Budgets page.

Generate the Expenditure Ledger Short Listing report

  1. On the Expenditure Budgets page, in the Selection Criteria section, enter criteria to identify the records to list, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.
  2. Click Print.
  3. In the Print window, specify how to generate the report, and then click OK. The default file name of the report is expen_list.rpt.


Selection Criteria Section




Four-digit fiscal year. The Year, Budget Unit, and Account fields combine to identify the expenditure record for a specific budget unit-account.

*Budget Unit*

Number identifying a budget unit (low organization) in the Expenditure Ledger.

This field is not displayed if the Full Account Format option is enabled in the Fund Accounting profile. The Full Account Format option is available in versions 22.4 and later.


Account from the range stored in your Fund Accounting profile Expenditures fields. The system only accepts accounts within this range. Also, the budget unit-account combination entered must exist in the General Ledger.

This field is not displayed if the Full Account Format option is enabled in the Fund Accounting profile.

Account Number
22.4 and later.

If the Full Account Format option is enabled in the Fund Accounting profile, enter the full account number based on the format defined in the Fund Accounting profile translation page.

(Ledger) Title
22.4 and later.
The Ledger Title may be comprised of the Budget Unit and Account titles but can be edited by a user.

Budget Control *Budget Unit*

Number identifying the key organization that serves as the expenditure record's budget control unit.

  • If you do not use parent-child accounting, this can be the same as the low organization in the Budget Unit field.
  • If you use parent-child accounting, this unit controls the total budget for all budget records to which it is assigned.

This field is not displayed if the Full Account Format option is enabled in the Fund Accounting profile.

Budget Control Account

Number identifying the expenditure account being used as a control. If you do not use parent-child accounting, the Account and Budget Control Account fields in an expenditure record are the same.

This field is not displayed if the Full Account Format option is enabled in the Fund Accounting profile.

Budget Control Account Number
22.4 and later.

If the Full Account Format option is enabled in the Fund Accounting profile, enter the full account number based on the format defined in the Fund Accounting profile translation page.

Budget Control (Ledger) Title
22.4 and later.
The Budget Control Ledger Title may be comprised of the Budget Control Budget Unit and Budget Control Account titles but can be edited by a user.
Account Component Fields
22.4 and later.

If a district is using account components, the account components display along with the reporting levels of the organization code, based on the formatting defined in the Fund Accounting profile translation page for the expenditure ledger.


Determines the selection of records based on their status.


Y - Active
N - Inactive

The system automatically assigns Active status to new records. A record's status can be changed using the Action Bar's Inactivate item.

Additional search criteria

Fields identifying a record's reporting structure. The number of fields used in your system and their titles are defined in the Fund Accounting Profile. The reporting structure is set up in your Organization Chart.

List Section

The following display-only fields show the content of an expenditure record. Some fields are described in the Selection Criteria section. Fields may display in a different order than listed.




Amount budgeted in the fiscal year for the budget unit-account.

Period Expense

Total expenditures charged to the budget unit-account in the period identified in the display-only Period field. You can use the Display Through item to change the period.

YTD Expense

Total expenditures charged to the budget unit-account in the year to date.


Total encumbrances stored in the budget record.


Total budgeted funds remaining in the fiscal year for the budget unit-account.

*Budget Unit* TitleTitle or description of the budget unit.
Account TitleTitle or description of the budget unit account.
(Ledger) Title
22.4 and later.

Ledger Title replaces Budget Unit Title and Account Title. It may be comprised of the Budget Unit and Account titles but can be edited by a user.

Budget Organ (Budget Control Budget Unit)

Number identifying the key organization that serves as the expenditure record's budget control unit.

  • If you do not use parent-child accounting, this can be the same as the low organization in the Budget Unit field.
  • If you use parent-child accounting, this unit controls the total budget for all budget records to which it is assigned.

This field is not displayed if the Full Account Format option is enabled in the Fund Accounting profile.

Account (Budget Control Account)

Number identifying the expenditure account being used as a control. If you do not use parent-child accounting, the Account and Budget Control Account fields in an expenditure record are the same.

This field is not displayed if the Full Account Format option is enabled in the Fund Accounting profile.

Budget Control Account Number
22.4 and later.

If the Full Account Format option is enabled in the Fund Accounting profile, Budget Control Account Number replaces Budget Organ and (Budget) Account.

Budget Control (Ledger) Title
22.4 and later.

The Budget Control Ledger Title may be comprised of the Budget Control Budget Unit and Budget Control Account titles but can be edited by a user.


Status of the budget record, Active or Inactive. You can use the Action Bar's Inactivate item to change the status of listed records.

Totals Section

The following display-only fields store totals in the categories indicated for the budget records displayed.




Total budgeted in the fiscal year for the displayed budget unit-accounts.

Period Expense

Total expenditures in the period identified.

YTD Expense

Total expenditures in the year to date.


Total encumbrances currently stored in the budget records.


Total budgeted expenditures remaining in the fiscal year for the records displayed. Following is the equation used to determine the total: Balance = Budget - (YTD Expense + Encumbrance)

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