Post Original Expenditure Budgets Page
Use this page to set up budget records in your Expenditure Ledger. Following are a few things to consider before entering your records:
- An expenditure record is identified by its budget unit-account combination or account number and the fiscal year.
- In an expenditure record, you can budget one amount for the entire fiscal year or allocate amounts among 12 periods.
- Expenditure records can include a separate budget unit-account combination or account number as a control. This only applies if you use parent-child accounting.
If you use the Budget Preparation System, do not use the Post Original Budgets page until you have posted your budget for the current fiscal year in either Budget Preparation's Post Budget option or Fund Accounting's Year End option.
Menu Path
From the Fund Accounting menu, select Entry & Processing. From the Budget Ledgers menu, select Expenditure Ledger.
Add an Expenditure Budget Record (Without Full Account Format)
- Select Add New.
- In the Budget Information section, complete the fields identifying the record.
- In the Budget Amount field, enter the expenditure amount budgeted for the fiscal year.
- If you use parent-child accounting and this is a parent record, leave the field set at its zero default.
- In the Allocations section, the value from the Budget Amount field defaults to the 1st Period field.
- To budget this expenditure on an annual basis, leave the full amount in the 1st Period field.
To set up a per period budget, change the amount in the 1st Period field, and then allocate the remainder to the 2nd through 12th Period fields. Do not use the 13th Period field until after the close of a year.
The total of the Allocations section must equal the full budget amount. If this is a parent record, leave all period fields set at zero.
- Select Accept to save the record.
Example: The budget amount for an expenditure is $36,000 that defaults to the 1st Period field. If your expenses are relatively fixed per period, enter 3000 in each field, 1st-12th Period. However, if you expect most expenditures to occur in the first period, you can enter 14000 in the 1st Period and 2000 in the 2nd-12th Period fields. The total of the Allocations section must be $36,000.
Add an Expenditure Budget Record (With Full Account Format)
- Select Add New.
In the Account Number Information section, complete the fields identifying the record. Enter the account number as defined and in the order it exists on the Expenditure option on the Fund Accounting profile translation page.
You can enter data in the Account Number field or in the individual segment fields.
- If you enter data in the Account Number field, segments are automatically populated by the placement in the account number.
- If you enter data into the segment fields, they populate in the Account Number field.
- As you enter data in each segment, after you have typed at least two characters a list appears with records that match the character sequence. Select from the list to populate the segment field. Add more characters to refine the list.
- If you enter segment data that does not exist in the Organization Chart, a message appears when you tab forward or select another field, indicating the segment does not exist. If you have security access to add organization chart records, you can add segment records or create a key organization code while you add the ledger record. You can enter records that align with your User Views.
- Enter the new segment code.
- Select the Add ( + ) button.
- Enter the details.
- Select Add.
- Fill out the remaining fields as desired.
- In the Budget Amount field, enter the expenditure amount budgeted for the fiscal year.
- If you use parent-child accounting and this is a parent record, leave the field set at its zero default.
- In the Allocations section, the value from the Budget Amount field defaults to the 1st Period field.
- To budget this expenditure on an annual basis, leave the full amount in the 1st Period field.
To set up a per period budget, change the amount in the 1st Period field, and then allocate the remainder to the 2nd through 12th Period fields. Do not use the 13th Period field until after the close of a year.
The total of the Allocations section must equal the full budget amount. If this is a parent record, leave all period fields set at zero.
- If you need to edit Budget Control details, select Show Budget Control and edit fields as needed. You can add a new segment if necessary.
- Enter the new segment code.
- Select the Add ( + ) button.
- Enter the details.
- Select Add.
- Select Accept to save the record.
Fund level records have additional fields to populate.
- Project Link
- Default Project
- Enterprise Indicator
- Check Cash Balance
- Disbursement Fund Used
Key Organization records have additional fields to populate.
- Project Link
- Default Project
- Check Budget Balance
- Pre-encumber Requisitions
- Prior Year Organization
Budget Control Key Organization records have additional fields to populate.
- Project Link
- Default Project
- Check Budget Balance
- Pre-encumber Requisitions
- Prior Year Organization
- Levels are automatically populated by the placement of the segment in the account number.
- Accounts must be in the Expenditure range on your Fund Accounting profile.
Header Information
Field | Description |
*Budget Unit* | Low organization to record transactions in your Expenditure Ledger, as defined in the Organization Chart. An expenditure record is identified by its budget unit-account combination, as well as the fiscal year. This field is not displayed if the Full Account Format option is enabled in the Fund Accounting profile. The Full Account Format option is available in versions 22.4 and later. |
Account | Account from the range in your Fund Accounting profile Expenditures fields. The system only accepts accounts in this range. This field is not displayed if the Full Account Format option is enabled in the Fund Accounting profile. |
Account Number |
22.4 and later.
If the Full Account Format option is enabled in the Fund Accounting profile, enter the full account number based on the format defined in the Fund Accounting profile translation page. |
*Budget Unit* Title | Title or description of the budget unit |
Account Title | Title or description of the budget unit account. |
(Ledger) Title |
22.4 and later.
Ledger Title replaces Budget Unit Title and Account Title. It may be comprised of the Budget Unit and Account titles but can be edited by a user. |
Budget Control *Budget Unit* | Key organization to use as a control for budgeted expenditures. This only applies if you use parent-child accounting. Otherwise, you may accept the default from the *Budget Unit* field. This field is not displayed if the Full Account Format option is enabled in the Fund Accounting profile. |
Budget Control Account | Control account for the unit's budgeted expenditures. This only applies to parent-child accounting.
This field is not displayed if the Full Account Format option is enabled in the Fund Accounting profile. |
Budget Control Account Number |
22.4 and later.
If the Full Account Format option is enabled in the Fund Accounting profile, enter the full account number based on the format defined in the Fund Accounting profile translation page. |
Budget Control *Budget Unit* Title | Title or description of the Budget Control budget unit. |
Budget Control Account Title | Title or description of the Budget Control account. |
Budget Control (Ledger) Title |
22.4 and later.
Budget Control (Ledger) Title replaces Budget Control *Budget Unit* Title and Budget Control Account Title. It may be comprised of the Budget Control Budget Unit and Budget Control Account titles but can be edited by a user. |
Transaction Description | Brief description of the expenditure line item. Character/25 If you are entering a parent record, provide a title for Expenditure Ledger sub-totaling. For example, SALARIES is appropriate for a parent record that includes regular, overtime, and other salaries. |
Control Number | Optional number for grouping this record with other records. Character/8 You can use this number when searching for records on the Fund Accounting Transactions page. |
Budget Amount | Amount budgeted in the fiscal year for expenditures. If you use parent-child accounting and this is a parent record, leave the field at its zero default. |
Allocations Section
1st - 13th Period | Amounts for budgeting expenses on a per period basis. The value from the Budget Amount field initially defaults to the 1st Period field.
The total of these fields must equal the full budget amount. If this is a parent record, leave all period fields set at zero. |